How Did The Han Dynasty Influence The Qin Dynasty

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To a significant extent the belief systems influenced the development of the political systems. China is one country that changes occur pretty often. In this case it is the variety of different dynasties. To be more specific the Qin and the Han. The Qin dynasty was created after Shi Huangdi took over China during the waring sates period. The Qin was ruled by emperor Shi Huangdi whose chosen philosophy was Legalism. It lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC. The Han dynasty was ruled by emperor Wudi whose chose philosophy was Confucianism. The political systems of China were greatly influenced by the belief systems of China. The Qin dynasty lead by Shi Huangdi made major changes. He standardized everything. From language, weights, writing, philosophy, …show more content…

It was imposed by Shi Huangdi who chose it from the 100 schools of thought. Legalism is basically a strict set of laws to keep your society under control. It said that all humans are bad and selfish and the only way to control them was by codifying them. They also thought that all people, are equal even if you are under power and personal qualities of the ruler should not matter as long as they can follow the law. Basically you can have a mean old man as a leader just as long as he follows the laws. Legalisms three-prong focus is fa-law, shi-control and shu-art of ruling. This is the basis for their philosophy. Laws should always be more important the the individual said Legalists. Legalists believed that people were bad a needed harsh rule to keep them in check. In the eyes of the Legalists laws were to keep individual impulses in check. “Therefore, the law had to be written down and made available to the public, and all laws had to be enforced strictly, with no leniency for favorites or extra punishments for enemies.” They thought that there was no point in having a wise-good leader when all you need is someone to follow the rules. People who opposed Legalism such as Confucianism were strait jacketed. As the rise of the Han dynasty Legalism began to fall. As you can see Shi Hunagdi was a very disliked emperor because of all the things he did against what the people wanted and …show more content…

Confucianism was a set of guidelines for a living moral life. It is about the rights of individuals. It highly supported education. That was the main idea of it all. During the Han period Wudi set up civil service exams to make sure all the philosophers know the whole philosophy. They would be written down in these massive books about just knowledge of Confucianism. Confucian people believed that you could not understand mortality and filial piety unless the individual has knowledge. Many books were written about this philosophy, such as the Analects. These were sought to be one of the most influential books in Chinese history. It was considered a sacred text. Confucianist people were not being able to fulfill his or her duties unless they did not meet their family's

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