How Did Rome Succeed In The First Punic Wars?

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Prior to the third century BCE, Roman military never had a navy or control of any satellite colonies. But all of this would change when Rome engaged in a series of battles against the undisputed naval power of the Mediterranean, the Carthaginian Empire, in the first of three, Punic Wars. The advancements made and victories achieved for Rome during this time would lay the foundation for future success over the next century. Rome’s victorious conquest of Sicily from the First Punic War, 264-241 BCE, was the start of their revolutionary movement towards a geographic empire. During the 3rd century BCE, a new governing, elite class, called the nobility, was established, creating many office positions which were opened to plebeians and allowed …show more content…

Carthage is located on the coast of northern Africa, which gives them easy access to the Mediterranean Sea. They were a trade-dependent society and had the strongest navy in the region. Carthage was established between the ninth and sixth century BCE Phoenician colonization, prior to the foundation of the Roman Republic, and remained the most affluent of Phoenician satellites. Entering the third century BCE, Carthage controlled an empire equivalent in size to Latium and Campania combined. It was the undisputed, greatest power in the Mediterranean. Carthage was a tangible challenge for Rome, although Carthage; had been established earlier, had more cumulative wealth and had a stronger navy, Rome; had a stronger foot army, a comparable geographic advantage, and the strong will of the ego-driven noble officeholders. Romans believed that when Romulus settled at such an advantageous geographic location, they must have been destined to dominate the Mediterranean. In 265 BCE, Heiro of Syracuse hired Mamertine mercenaries to siege the strategically located, north Sicilian city, Massena. At the time, Massena was a part of Carthage’s empire, so they called to Carthage for help against this threat from Syracuse, but they also called for help from Rome. Carthage felt threatened by Rome and they worried that the Romans would try to further intervene on the island of Sicily. This caused troops to mobilize in 264 …show more content…

But, no major victories were had at this time. The Roman desire to completely defeat the Carthaginians would reappear in the future as a cause for the second and third Punic Wars. Finally, in 242 BCE, Roman commander, Gaius Lutatius Catulus would bring Rome to victory at the Aegatae Islands. After this final victory Lutatius was ready to negotiate with Carthage. Finally, after 23 years of war, a peace treaty between Rome and Carthage was negotiated. According to Polybius, the terms Carthage proposed were as follows: There shall be friendship between the Carthaginians and Romans on the following terms, if approved by the Roman people. The Carthaginians to evacuate the whole of Sicily and not to make a war on Heiro or bear arms against the Syracusans or the allies of the Syracusans. The Carthaginians to give up to the Romans all prisoners without ransom. The Carthaginians to pay to the Romans by installments in twenty years 2,200 Euboean talents.
Rome countered and

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