How Did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Life Affected People During The Great Depression

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This period of time, people had to go through a lot. It left people with mental issues. It left people working day and night for their families. It also had families using many things for various purposes, and businesses were losing large amounts of money. The Great Depression left emotional scars on all the people that went through it.
First, during the Great Depression, many families were affected mentally and emotionally. They were left with “deep emotional, psychological, and physical scars” (Hayes). It affected people that much. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s efforts of all the acts he passed to help the people of the Great Depression gave hope to many people (Hayes). He helped all the people that went through it. This time was tragic for everyone. …show more content…

The father of the family had many jobs like picking peaches, raised potato slips, and hung wallpaper to make money (Hastings). The dad in this article had multiple jobs and worked many hours to support his family during this time. This family also had no bills to pay like a water bill, sewer bill, or a telephone bill. They also did not have any car expenses due to they sold it to make more money (Hastings). The family did not have to pay any bills by the reason of they did not use any utilities and did not have a car to pay for. They saved plenty of money because of this.
Third, families used whatever they had in their homes for multiple things. This family used a cotton cloth for many things like a washcloth, dishcloth, dust cloth, shoe-shining cloth, window-washing cloth, etc (Hastings). They used it for numerous things. This father also would buy new soles for old shoes for the winter when they were worn out (Hastings). Families reused their possessions. They could not afford anything

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