How Did Kurt Gerron Contribute To The Holocaust

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Have you ever thought about the last person to die at Auschwitz? (the concentration camp) Well that person would be Kurt Gerron, a famous Theatre-Person took a stand through movies, songs, and other things during WW II. He rebuked the Nazis Movement, and this was important, because it cost him his life. During most of his life (1897-1944) he was a happy, rich movie maker.
He was a WW I war veteran, wounded, and wanted to become a doctor. The push that got Kurt into the film industry started in a nightclub, in Berlin. Kurt went regularly and saw many performers. He was tempted to try, and found that he was a good actor. In 1920 he got his first big break when Trude Hesterberg saw Kurt in a cabaret. He was offered a role in ‘Wild …show more content…

Well, what caused WW II? After WW I when the Treaty of Versailles was signed, Germany was very unstable. From the damage done from the war, and the things asked for by the allies caused Germany much sorrow. ( Staff) Germany had to pay lots. The economy failed, and all because they had lost “The Great War”. The german people wanted their pride and economy back. Hitler promised these. His campaign was fueled by hate, he got elected for chancler and rebuked the Treaty of Versailles. He rearmed and started taking over. ("WWII …show more content…

His wife was with him through most of it, at Theresienstadt, and Auschwitz. She was saved at Theresienstadt, because she, “didn’t look jewish enough” for their propaganda. As for her death, she was gassed with Kurt Gerron.
("Kurt Gerron") Like mentioned before his parents, Olga, his niece(s), and sibling(s). He impacted Hans, and Renee, but Kurt didn’t just impact people close to him though,he was famous! I’m sure he was missed. He was daring. He impacted many long term too. He had his movies which were well enjoyed! Before WWII (as you may recall) in Germany he was a “Household name”, “Much loved”, and “a member of the family”. He was special, a war hero, an actor, and a husband. Again with more detail, Hans bring back the subject of Westerbork, “ everybody know him..His wife next to him… laughing..”. He was great enough to even have a book, and two documentaries about him. He was also in (about) 70 films! This man is

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