How Did Jennie Trout Contribute To Change In Canada

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In Canada, women make up slightly more than half of the population. However, throughout Canadian history and modern day, women are needing to stand up for themselves and other women to bring about change. Canadian women are strong and have the power to work together and bring about change. Jennie Trout stood up for Canadian women that wanted to be in the medical field, women during WWI made a difference in their lives by entering the workplace and standing for their right to work, Nellie McClung was a leader for women’s suffrage, and The Famous Five campaigned and won The “Persons” Case allowing women to be considered persons under the Canadian Constitution. These women were instigators of change. Change for women only occurs when ambitious and courageous women stand up for a difference that they deserve.
Jennie (sometimes Jenny) Trout was a woman who decided she would not sit and let things happen, but instead, make a change that she and the …show more content…

She then returned to Canada in 1875 to and write and pass licensing exams, making her the first Canadian woman doctor licenced to practice. She also later went on to inspire the women in Canada interested in medicine and opened the Women’s Medical College in Kingston, Ontario (Forster 264). Jennie’s story is one of extreme determination and strength. She never let anyone else dictate what she was going to do, and with this mindset achieved her dream. Jennie pioneered the way for future Canadian women entering the medical field. She was willing to stand up to people who told her she could not do it and mocked her. She would have been a very strong and courageous woman at that time to stand up to men, knowing she was right. Because of Jennie Trout and her willingness to stand up for what she believed women deserved, made all the change for women of the

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