How Did Hitler Rise To Power And Ideology

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Nazi Rise to Power and Ideology

The Holocaust is well known as the most horrific slaughter of a single race in history. It resulted in the deaths of over 6,000,000 innocent men, women, and children of Jewish descent. The group that carried out these horrific actions is the Nazi Party, which was led by Adolf Hitler, the chancellor of Germany. The party started by running for office, and overtime got into civilians heads with propaganda. Adolf Hitler convinced people that economic well being was more important than social liberty. He then made it illegal for any other party to run for office turning a socialist government into a communist government. Meanwhile, convincing citizens that the Jews were the cause of Germany’s problems.The onslaught of the Jewish race took place in multiple different countries, mainly Poland and Germany, but also extended as far as Norway. Jewish people of all ages were brought to concentration camps where their grisly fate awaited them. It is often questioned how the Nazi Party was able to come into so much power, expand upon it, and convince members of the party it was okay.

The Holocaust started as …show more content…

Authoritarianism is the belief of a strong central government as well as holding extensive power over every region under its control. The Nazis trusted Authoritarianism so strongly that they believed it was impossible for a government to run efficiently if it did not control every aspect of daily society. The Nazis strongly believed that one man should make all of the executive decisions as well as hold nearly all of the power, this man was known as the Fuhrer.

Nearly all political decisions were left to be decided by the Fuhrer, with whom the people trusted to make decisions that are in their best interest. Authoritarianism promotes the Nazi Party as the only organization that people were allowed to follow; all other groups or organizations would be

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