How Did Columbus Day Be Changed

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Columbus was without a doubt an important figure in not just American, but world history. He was a smart man with enough qualifications to be considered brilliant by the past and present world alike. However, this does not excuse the treatment of the Natives and the people of color Columbus wasn’t a hero, maybe to some he was, but to those who examine the facts it’s easy to see he was a bad guy. His morals and ideals were the same as most people of the times, he just happened to stumble on something big when he was looking for something else and refused to acknowledge he was in the wrong place. Columbus day should be changed, due to the cultural insensitivity some may feel due to what transpired between the new and old world once the Americas were found, perhaps to a day similar to independence day, it could be America's birthday. On October 11th 1492 Columbus discovered the other half of the world, officially, he seemed surprised he …show more content…

The Washington post writes that “During four separate trips that started with the one in 1492, Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas as well as the island later called Hispaniola...But he didn’t reach North America…” (Valerie Strauss, ‘Christopher Columbus: 3 things you think he did that he didn’t’). So not only did he mistreat the Natives of a land he mistook for another piece of land, he didn’t even do the thing most people recognize him for doing. Christopher Columbus is similar to confederates, in the way their history was lied about so more people would side with them, their mistreatment of a whole peoples, and the freedom their followers had to do whatever they wanted with said peoples. The only difference is, people still believe things that were proven wrong about Columbus so many times that if it were anything else, no one would give the removal of the holiday a second

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