How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage

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Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. His dad was a wool merchant, and his mom was a housekeeper. One day he got a chance to go on a merchant ship with his father. While on the voyage, the boat sank, and Christopher held onto a piece of wood and floated to the shore of Libon. He then started studying mathematics, astronomy, cartography, and navigation ( Staff). It was really hard to get to Asia from Europe by land to trade and get supplies they need, so Christopher formed a plan to get to Asia over water instead of land. He needed help financing his trip so he turned to officials in Portugal and England, but they thought it was a foolish idea and refused to help. In 1491, he finally got the help he needed from …show more content…

He had been able to convince Queen Isabella to donate money for three ships; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He was in search of many precious spices and other items from China, India, and Asia (Staff).They headed South until October 12, when someone spotted land for the first time since they had left. It was the Canary Islands (Flint-The First Voyage). They were supposed to go to the Islands of Azores, but their Admiral went the wrong direction.

Works cited
Website, “Christopher Columbus.”, A&E Networks Television, 1 Aug. 2017, staff, “Columbus Sets School.”, 2010, Staff. “Christopher Columbus.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,
Minster, Christopher. "The Truth About Christopher Columbus." ThoughtCo, Oct. 9, 2017,
Nater, Marty. “How Did Christopher Columbus' Discovery Change History?”,, 27 Jan. 2011,

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