How Did Christianity And Islam Influence Trade

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Christianity and Islam on Trade
In the first through sixteenth centuries, was a major turning point for the world. Major religions such as christianity, and Islam were gaining more power and respect throughout the post-classical states. Trade was a major shift in the world as well, but little more difficult in some regions more than others. For example in Europe, the ideology of christianity made trade sound like a greedy and horrendous act while in the state of Islam they accepted greed, and did not punish it or look down on it as much as christianity did in their early stages. With this difference they are more similar than different, in the way that they both had their views evolve around the idea of trade changed as the world progressed, as well as both regions had a code of conduct to …show more content…

Christianity and Islam had conflicting opinions when it came to trade, being the two major religions surrounding the mediterranean,the two religions held major influence when it came to trade. They were so influential that over time their ideals slowly changed as well as their audience making them similar. These ideas were eventually laws, or accepted as way to continue making a profit. In the region dominated culturally and religiously by christianity (Europe, est mediterranean had a separate idea of christianity) the ideals and beliefs regarding trade changed from deeply looked down upon, to acceptable. For instance in document three around 1170 C.E before St.Godric's death. Reginald - monk of durham, colleague to St. Godric. Reginald was a british merchant with the ideals of god in mind. In the document it stated “.... And now he had spent sixteen years as a merchant, and he began to think of spending (money) on

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