How Did Beethoven Influence The French Revolution

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One of the highly considered greatest composers of all time was Ludwig Van Beethoven. Mr. Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 17,1770. Johann Beethoven’s father had high expectations that he would become a child sensation just like Mozart had. Johann was unable to live in his father’s musician’s shoes. In spite he wanted the talent that he lacked to be present in Ludwig his son. Ludwig Van Beethoven did not appear to be as talented as the child sensation Mozart. Beethoven’s father was persistent and strict when Ludwig would try to improvise the original compositions on the piano. Insisting that Beethoven just learn the notes as they where written. It was reported by neighbors that as a child Beethoven would cry in front …show more content…

Throughout his music you can hear the sounds of the French Revolution. The sounds consist of gunshots, cannons, trumpet calls, and drumming sounds. With all of the madness of war around him he wanted to symbolize it throughout his music. His music tones go from being suddenly being loud to becoming soft. The sounds where always in contrast with one another. Everyone around him was always in constant fear of the “unknown” craziness from the wars. Beethoven was the person that was able to take the raging times of the war an orchestrate them into music. When Beethoven originally composed Symphony No.3” Bonaparte” he dedicated it to Napoleon who he admired. Upon receiving the news that Napoleon had decided to crown himself as the Emperor of France, Beethoven was infuriated. Without hesitation Beethoven decided to change the name from “Bonaparte” to “Erocia” which in Latin mean’s heroic. Beethoven felt that Napoleon had betrayed all his ideas of the French Revolution by giving himself the crown Emperor. Later on, Beethoven decided to compose a piece called “ Wellington’s Victory” to demonstrate the triumph that the English had on Napoleon’s troops. Beethoven was the person to separate his works from others during the classical and romantic periods. His incorporation of the military and liberty is greatly displayed throughout his pieces. Beethoven was one of the first people to ever include funeral marches in symphonies. He wanted to incorporate funeral marches due to death all around him. One of Beethoven’s famous tunes Symphony No. 9 was based on fraternity, equality, and liberty ideas from the French Revolution the theme for this tune was “Joy”. It was thought to be an appropriate song choice for performing after the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. This was roughly around 200 years after the beginning of the French Revolution. Symphony No. 9 themes was

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