How Did Batista Lose Power

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The political and economic failings of Fulgencio Batista led to the Cuban Revolution and his eventual defeat to Fidel Castro in 1959. Batista first came to power in 1932 when he ousted the the dictator Gerardo Machado with the help of fellow military officers and students(pbs 2). Batista then with the help of the US controlled the country through a couple of puppet presidents and then became president himself in 1940. From 1940 to 1944 Batista ruled as president until in the 1944 election he lost and then stayed out of Cuban politics for eight years. In 1952 Batista ran for president once again but it was evident that he would lose so he staged a coup and ruled until being defeated and exiled by Castro in 1959(history of cuba). Batista started the …show more content…

Corruption is the dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power as defined by (dictionary). There's Almost nothing more fraudulent about the Batista Regime then when in 1952 Batista seized power in a military coup (historyof Because Batista was going to lose in a fair election in 1952 he fraudulently declared that the election was rigged and took power as a military dictator. Batista’s regime was corrupt and illegitimate from the beginning. This corruption, specifically the coup in 1952, will directly inspire revolutionaries such as fidel castro to overthrow Batista(pbs2). The illegitimacy of his regime led to much of the middle class opposing the man.This was added to by the Brutality of the regime. Batista relied on military force not only to obtain power in 1952 but also to keep it he, among other things, used violence through military police. After Fidel Castro’s failed Moncada assault Batista suspended some constitutional rights and responded to protest with violent attacks by military police(pbs2).The military police began to be used for public displays of brutality toward dissenters. In addition to violence

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