How Can Native Son Believable

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The story Native Son is very believable.
In the story there's real life situations the character put himself in because of his fear of society and self hatred inside himself because his situation was the worse. Being a black man in 1930’s/1940’s evokes sometimes cautious and timid behavior, just like in real life. So yes i do believe Native Son is based or could be based on true events.

This story is believable because how cautious and timid Bigger was in the story. Society back then had him scared or a developed hate of the the white race. This is during segregation and when lynching/racism was at its highpoint. When Bigger killed Mary he called it revenge saying that “what a fool she was” remembering how she acting “Carrying on like that, …show more content…

His pain and shamefulness Bigger has put himself in a situation where he couldn't think straight out of fear. Bigger lives in a small rat infested apartment of 4. Being a failure in his mother's eyes and the way he sees his family struggle he has a pent up anger and rage. Only to not be able to do anything about it,society won't let let a black man be a pilot those were the laws. Bigger's actions for killing Mary was justified because he didn't want to make his life worse by being put in jail for rape and or just possibly killed ,not even just him maybe his whole family could suffer from his actions.

There's a part in the story where Bigger is starting to become a very different person. At the beginning you feel sorry for Bigger. I saw him as a victim of what society made him turn out to be . Now he had kidnapped raped and killed his innocent girlfriend for no reason. But by this time Bigger is now discovered as the killer of the millionaire's daughter of Mr.Dalton.
Finally, I believe this story could be true because how cautious and timid Bigger was towards white people shows great characteristics of a black man during these times. Also because Bigger opens up about his life. Where even today there's people with the same exact living conditions and same exact emotional state. Like where i come from in the pj’s with 2 sisters 1 brother 2 empty rooms no covers, like Bigger,poor black man with bottled emotions

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