How Can Death Be Treated In Romeo And Juliet's Bucket

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In Romeo and Juliet, death seems to be treated lightly. I believe that death should not be treated this way. Death is the permanent ending of a life, it should be treated seriously and with respect. Some people might have a fear of dying due to the fact that they are forevermore going to leave their surroundings and loved ones in this life. Others, might also have a fear of dying because of the possible pain and or suffering at the time of death. Another way some might have a fear of dying is because they have not accomplished what they wanted to yet. For example, people like to set goals or even make a ‘Bucket List’ of things they want to do before there time on this earth runs out. A ‘Bucket List’ is a list of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime. Not achieving or accomplishing these goals can cause fear in a person who …show more content…

First, because death is one of Shakespeare’s most common motif. Using such a tragic ending portrayed the loving and strong bond between the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet had such an inseparable bond that by not having the other, they had to take their life. Both lovers were from different feuding families. Knowing that Romeo and Juliet both were not allowed to be together and still managed to find a way to figure out how to be together showed how much they loved each other. Then later killing themselves to be together, showed how much they cared for eachother. Shakespeare also wrote such a tragic ending to show that Romeo and Juliet had fate. They were both meant to be together even if it meant in their present life or in the afterlife. This play was categorized as a tragedy, so there had to be some type of death and or tragedy that had to do with the main characters. Lastly, the ending also showed the readers how Romeo use to have a self conceited and saucy life before meeting the love of his

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