Magic In A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay

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Shakespeare’s use of magic is extensive; it can be noticed in all the play of the Midsummer Night’s Dream. Did you notice all the types of magic the fairies used? They use the magic to manipulate humans or to control the weather. It is amazing all the magic that they used and its effects on humans. In this essay we will describe all the types of magic along this play.
The fairies in the story could manipulate people´s love by using a magic flower. “Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little western flower, before milk-white, now purple with love’s wound. And maidens call it “love-in-idleness.” Oberon, page 42, line 165-168. This consists to drop the juice on the eyes of the one the fairies choose, so when the affected

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