Hope in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is extensively a story of hope. Hope is to wish for something with expectation of its fulfilment and to have confidence; trust. This is shown through the themes, issues and the characters in the novel. Atticus represents hope, he is optimist. He is from the higher class and defends the lower class and still has the anticipation to win. The Finch family has hope as Atticus has taught his children to be accepting and have open-minds. Racism and prejudice, give people the hope for change. For one day there be a world that is fair and equal. Hope comes in many shapes and forms, including the children, Atticus, and themes, akin to racism and prejudice, although hope present throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Atticus Finch is an optimist in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is from the upper class; he becomes the defence attorney for a lower class African American. He hopes to win, even though he knows he cannot succeed, as an African American will never win against a white man. He does not give up this hope. Atticus is respectful of everyone, and believes that everyone is equal. He knows that you can never lose hope and tries to teach his children to do the same. This is clear when he says, “It’s not time to worry yet,” (Lee, pg, 232). This illustrates Atticus as a hopeful person. He knows there are better things to come. Atticus believes in the best of everything. When something bad happens he tries to see the good in the problem. It is hopeful as he is hoping for the future. Atticus is optimistic; he never gave up hope in the novel. Although his case did not win, he still kept his head high, and strives for justice in the world. Atticus represents the hope that o...

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To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a story of hope. It is learnt that hope is always there. Without a doubt it is a story of hope. Atticus is the positive character, who believes in the good of everything. He brings hope into the story and tries to pass it on to others, especially to his children. No matter how hard life becomes Atticus does not give up. The Finch family becomes hopeful, as Atticus educates the children to accept everyone. Scout and Jem discover hope throughout the novel, from their father, Atticus teaching it to them. Hope comes in many different forms in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The cruelty of Maycomb, when being racist and prejudice, gives hope for an equal and fair future. It is present throughout the book, but is discovered by Scout and Jem in the end. To an immense extent, To Kill a Mockingbird is a story of hope.

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