Hope In A Dying World In Cormac Mccarthy's The Road

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Hope in a Dying World
Throughout history man has been the dominate species. What the difference is between man and any other species is their level of intelligence, what differs people from other people is their level of hope. Hope is a necessity for a human to function correctly, without it a person becomes very bleak, sad, and seemingly without life. The Road’s setting is a very grey, pale, and emotionless earth, which represents a person without hope. Cormac McCarthy creates a terrifyingly real apocalyptic America in his novel “The Road”. With his simple descriptions and use of detail and metaphors you can vividly picture every scene he describes throughout the book. But no matter how bleak and hopeless the world seems, the two protagonists never seem to lose hope in something. Throughout the novel, the man and the boy are trying to travel across the U.S. in search of shelter, food, and a better place to live. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, cannibals, and rapists. McCarthy uses a post-apocalyptic America setting to examine why it is that some humans continue to have hope in the face of such overwhelming odds, and why it is that others give up in the same situations at the specific moments they do.
Throughout the book it explains how the Boy’s mother dies with the Man experiencing flashbacks. The mother commits suicide by walking out into the cold forest where she eventually dies. "She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift.”(58). The Mother’s view of death is definitely a lot different than the Father’s. The Mother sees death as an inevitable thing that she would rather choose than it is brought upon by the barbarians that inhabit the America that they live in. On the other hand, the Father feels ...

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...nd hopeless, in all truths, it’s really a message of hope, and humanities strengths that are hidden within. It shows how no matter what happens in the world in which you live in, as long as there is hope, there will be a light, or a fire that lights up the darkness in dark times. As long as someone is carrying that fire, humanity will always have “good guys”. It shows how a man’s love for his son drives him to survive, to have hope, and to strive for life. People’s level of hope has always distinguished them from each other. Some people lose their hope as soon as something goes wrong, while others stay strong, hold on to their hope. The ones that stay strong are the ones that carry the fire in this novel. Cormac McCarthy stresses that hope is humanities only hope in times of despair, and that no matter what happens to someone, they should never lose their hope.

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