Hoot Roy Eberhardt Character Traits

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Character Essay Would you stand up for something you believe in?Maybe you wouldn’t, but Roy sure did. Just an average teenage guy was courageous enough to stand up for what's right. In the book Hoot ,by Carl Hiaasen, you learn a valuable lesson. The best way to learn this lesson is to read this great book The teenage boy, Roy Eberhardt looked like an ordinary kid at the age of 14, with dark brown hair. Ocean blue eyes that you could just sink into. He has towering heights with a skinny body like most kids his age. Roy looks pretty ordinary but he anything but that. You will find this out as you read the book and learn about his personality. Roy Eberhardt is a stubborn kid, when he wants something he's gonna get it. It takes a while for Roy to be himself around new people because he is kinda shy. Once you get to know Roy and you become friends he is very caring and he will do anything for you, even if it means breaking the rules because he cares …show more content…

Until one day he had saw the mysterious running boy and he was fed up with being picked on and decided to fight back, so he punched the main bully as hard as he could in the face. He was scared that Dana, the main bully would fight back so he ran off and started chasing the mysterious running boy. He was so stubborn that he ran miles chasing after the mysterious running boy all the way to a golf course where he got knocked out by a golf course and couldn’t chase him anymore. Reading hoot has taught me a lot of valuable lessons, and I am so happy read this book. I learned to stand up for what I believe in and to not back down because it could someone or something. I also learned not to sink to a bully's level because that can just make everything worse and can turn into an actual fight. I recommend this book so much because this has taught me so

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