Holden Caulfield Psychology

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In J.D. Salinger’s only novel published in 1945, The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield finds himself in an emotional conundrum between being happy while accepting people and their flaws or seeing the world as full of phonies, which would lead to depression. J.D. Salinger makes out Holden to be an adolescent who is troubled and does not apply himself too much besides his family. Holden constantly gets kicked out of boarding school and when we leaves Pencey Prep he wonders off to New York City to visit old friends and cause some trouble along the way. Holden’s feelings of emotion and family are represented through a looming red hunting hat that he wears in a black a white world. While coming back from a disastrous fencing field trip, Holden …show more content…

He wakes her up and in seconds she is up, energized, and very excited to see her older brother. After they catch up, Phoebe decides to give Holden all of her Christmas money, 8 dollars and eighty-five cents. Holden cannot help himself and he begins to choke up and starts to cry. Holden loves Phoebe so much because she makes him happy and he shows it by: “ I took my hunting hat out of my coat pocket and gave it to her. She likes those kind of crazy hats. She didn't want to take it, but I made her. I'll bet she slept with it on. She really likes those kind of hats” (CR 198). Holden wants to repay Phoebe not only for the loan of money, but also for his happiness, and he expresses his gratitude by giving her his hat. Another point, while Holden is still wearing his hat he suddenly breaks down and begins to start bawling crying. The raw emotion represents how wearing the hat allows him to exhibit his feelings in ways that he usually …show more content…

Holden notices that all the parents are getting their kids and leaving the Zoo or finding cover from the rain. Holden chooses to remain still and let the rain pour down on his moist skin. As it continues to rain, Holden remains steadfast on the bench and thinks to himself: “My hunting hat really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a way, but I got soaked” (CR 233). Allie’s death greatly effected Holden’s life and Holden usually thinks about all the great memories that they shared together. During this moment in the novel, Holden’s hat is not representing the emotional state that he is in, but is instead depicting the hat watching over. Salinger chooses to make the hat protect Holden from the rain because Holden feels that he was always trying to protect Allie, but now Allie is watching over Holden in the form of the

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