Holden Caulfield In The Catcher In The Rye

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In the book, the catcher in the rye, Holden Caulfield deceives many adults be making the impression that Holden is a nice kid but may be slightly illiterate in the school system. He also deceives his fellow peers making them think that he a big, strong kid, but no one knows that inside, Holden is a little kid, stuck at the moment of his brother’s death. And lastly, he makes himself believe that everything will be okay and all, but on the inside, he doesn’t realize that every step he takes may or may not be leading him to his downfall, since he is unable to meet society’s standards. First off, Holden goes to a private school near Vegas, he lives in the dorms near his brother who is a famous writer. Holden may appear to like school, but the thing that he does, and his grades show the teachers what Holden is trying to hide. Holden tries to hide his true self from his teachers. Though Holden may feel as if what he is doing is right, his teachers talk try to talk with him. When Holden gets expelled from school, he goes and visits his history teacher and he says that Holden should pay more attention to his life and focus on what is important rather than what is far less important. …show more content…

When he meets up with the people that he knows he may think that when he is talking to them they won’t be able to figure out what Holden is really feeling despite what he is expressing. For example, when Holden and Sally go to the ice skating rink, while they talk about how their life is bad, Holden brings up what he is really thinking, “Why don’t we move up north, we can get a house and all.” Normally when Holden talks to someone he would not tell them what he really thinks about them, but in this case, he felt the need to tell Sally his plan to run away to up north. But when people uncover the true Holden, they’re view of him entirely

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