Hinduismd is the third largest religion in the world with a total 900 million followers. About 80% of India’s population consider themselves hindu(“Hinduism” Religion). No one knows when or how Hinduism began but Hinduism has no single founder, meaning that it is not based on the teachings of a particular person or group of people (Lynne 2). They get their ideas from Vedic scriptures which are a collection of Hindu sacred writings called the Vedas; the authors and dates of theses sacred texts are mostly unknown (2). Hinduism is a monotheistic religion that believe that all religions lead to one God, or enlightenment, even though the routes they take may be different(5). Hinduism is the oldest surviving world religion and they refer to their religion as sanatama dharma “eternal …show more content…
religion”(“Hinduism” Religion). Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious temple and is one of the most know Hindu temples of all time.
King Suryavarman II was the ruler who began building Angkor Wat (Sean 91).Suryavarman II was a cambodian king renowned as a religious reformer and temple builder(Suryavarman). King Suryavarman II was not always a king though. He came to power after he killed his great uncle Dharanindravarman I, while riding an elephant (Angkor Wat: History). Suryavarman II defeated rival claimants to take the throne and establish sole rule over Cambodia by 1113, finally reuniting the country after more than 50 years of unrest. As king Suryavarman II blended the mystical cults of Vishnu and Shiva and made Vaishnavism the official religion rather than Buddhism which had briefly flourished under his rule(Suryavarman).Vaishnavism which is also known as Vishnuism which is a modern form of hinduism which the followers believe Vishnu is the supreme ruler(Vaishnavism). Vishnu name means “all-pervading” he is portrayed as peaceful, merciful, and compassionate. He is also known as the protector of the world and the restorer of moral order. Vishnu’s saga began with Lord Shiva. Vishnu came about when Lord Shiva became upset with man’s
wickedness. He then transformed into Bhairava and started a rampage of destruction, killing, maiming, ripping out hearts of humans and drinking blood. That is when Vishnu approached Bhairava on behalf of humanity and told Bhairava to stop killing humans.Bhairava told him he would not stop until his bowel was filled with enough blood to quench his thirst. But it was known that his bowel could never be filled and his thirst would never be quenched. So Vishnu told Bhairava he would provide him with all the blood he need and proceed to cut his forehead with his sword and let his blood spill into Bhairava’s bowel. Finally after ages of drinking Vishnu’s blood Bhairava realized Vishnu was giving his life for mankind so he said he would not kill all of man unless the world got so out of hand Vishnu could not sustain them (“vishnu”). But Suryavarman II died in c.1150 and when he died Angkor Wat became his tomb(Suryavarman)
Unlike most religions, Hinduism has no specific founder, scripture or set of teachings. Hinduism has over nine hundred million followers today. The history of Hinduism is that it was found in the Indus Valley and it is an oral religion. Hindu’s believe in the three gods named Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is believed to be the creator of the world and creatures.
Hinduism is an ancient religion. It has no known founder. It has several holy books. The most important of these is the Vedas, a collection of hymns. Hinduism like buddism believes in reincarnation. The goal of this religion is also to escape the birth-death cycle. Through Hinduism the entire Indian social structure was formed by creating the caste system. The major difference between Buddism and Hinduism is that Hindus believe in a god. Brahman is the spirit that encompasses all living things. There are several lesser gods who are believed to be incarnates of Brahman.
Hinduism is made of many different religions and does not have one origin or single founder. The religion of Hinduism is very old, “300-100 B.C.E.--- The first trace of temple worship. Hindu people worship at the shrine, where Hindus make offerings to a murti. A murti is a statue of a god or goddess” (McMillan). In addition, other religions are based off Hinduism, “5000-10000 B.C.---Hinduism can be traced back to 5000-10000 B.C. Hinduism is a very old religion, many religions are based off of Hinduism, like Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism” (McMillan).
Hinduism is easily the oldest major world religion that is still in use today. It has not only survived countless attacks but has also thrived and has changed little to none in the last 2500-3000 years. "The Aryans are said to have entered India through the fabled Khyber Pass, around 1500 BC. They intermingled with the local populace, and assimilated themselves into the social framework. The Aryans did not have a script, but they developed a rich tradition. They composed the hymns of the four vedas, the great philosophic poems that are at the heart of Hindu thought" (The Aryans and the Vedic Age, 2004, par. 2).
Hinduism is unlike many other religions in that it does not have a single founder or text, but is more like an umbrella in ways of life. In death and life for the Hindu, “The ultimate goal of the soul is liberation from the wheel of rebirth, through reabsorption into our identity with the Oversoul (Brahma)-- the essence of the universe, immaterial, uncreated, limitless, and timeless” (Leming & Dickinson, 2011, p. 134).
Hinduism is a very unique religion; it is the oldest living religion and does not have a single founder unlike Buddhism. Hinduism
Hinduism is a pantheistic (pan=all theistic=god) religion with their god manifesting himself/herself in many different forms. Hinduis...
Hinduism is one of the world’s most ancient religions. It is the third largest religion. There are many subjects involved in the Hinduism, such as: Hindu religious structure, art, artifacts, and the different time periods. Hindus practice strict religious beliefs and customs. Hinduism consists of a 1,000 religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 B.C.
The word Hinduism is originated from a Persian word that connects to the Sindhu or Indus River in northwest India. The word Hindu was first used by Arabs, Persians, and Afghans in fourteenth century. Hinduism is the oldest living religion and it is extreme in India. The other names which is used to known for Hinduism is “Sanatana Dharma” which means eternal religion and “Vaidika Dharma” which means the religion of the Vedas. It does not have a founder or date of origin like Christians or Islam do. Hinduism does not focus on a set of doctrines. There are 330 gods in the Hindu but they are not considered as polytheist. They believe that they only have one god that is Brahman but all other gods are the representation of Brahman in several ways. Hinduism is also called as the religion of freedom because this religion allows the broadest freedom in faith and worship. Hindus have different beliefs, concepts, text, festivals and several things like other religions do. The various aspects of Hinduism can be further discussed through the beliefs of Hindus in the laws of karma and dharma, reincarnation, liberation and non-violence or ahimsa.
• Vishnu, (Krishna) the Preserver, who preserves these new creations. Whenever Dharma (eternal order, righteousness, religion, law, and duty) is threatened, Vishnu travels from heaven to earth in one of ten incarnations;
Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion and was originated in the Indian subcontinent. Is rare that a big religion like Hinduism don’t have a single founder, religious organization, specific theological system and don’t even a system of morality, but it is a religion that has evolved over thousands of years. Hinduism has a diverse body of cultural and philosophical practices. Hinduism consists of belief and tradition. The most recognized belief and traditions of the Hinduism are Karma, Dharma, Samsara and Moshka. Hindu people don’t believe in violence, but they do believe in prayers, honesty, truth, austerity, celibacy and penance. The Hindu scriptures are collectively referred to as the Shashtras. The Hindu scriptures were initially passed on orally from generation to generation until finally ancient scholars wrote them down; mainly in the Sanskrit language that was the prevailing language of the time. Some of the Hindu scriptures are the Shruti and Smritis. The Shruti primarily refers to the Vedas which represent eternal truths revealed to ancient sages but some other Hindu individuals associated the Vedas with a God or a powerful person. The Smritis are all of the other text different than the Shruti. The most know of the Smritis are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Although the Hindus worship a large pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, they believe in the one Supreme Power that manifests itself in various forms.
Sikhism is the world’s fifth largest religion and one of the youngest faiths compared with religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Sikhism is a strong monotheistic faith that preaches the existences of one God and teaches ethics that are generally accepted today; living truthfully, the equality of man, social legitimacy and most of all compassion towards other religions. Sikhism is absolved from tenets and claims; it rejects all superstitions, blind rituals, and fasts. To achieve salvation, it denounces any demands of body modifications, self-torture, remorse or renunciation. The worship of gods and goddesses, stones, idols or tombs are nonexistent.
Hindu mythology has been around for ages; it is the world’s oldest surviving religion. Hinduism was formed through diverse traditions in the year 2,000 B.C.E. There is no single person that gets the credit of developing Hindu Mythology because one person did not create it. Hinduism was originated in India, where it is the most practiced now. Hinduism has over a billion followers and about two-thirds of those people are in India. There are many temples open to worship gods and goddesses. “The needs of the gods would be met by the worshipers who have to prepare themselves through purification rites to draw near to their god” (Organ,193) Hinduism is not only the oldest religion but one of the biggest, with Islam then Christianity being above it.
When I first started to read about the Hinduism religion I was not sure what to expect. I have heard about the religion but did not know much about it. What I learned about it was fascinating and caused me to reflect on just how different the religions of the world are. We do not know when Hinduism was founded by whom. It has been said to have always existed. It has been traced to the olden Indus Valley civilization.
What is Hinduism? Hinduism is one of the oldest of the world’s religions today. Hinduism originated from the country known as India. Hinduism is a religion with no precise beginning. There is no single founder but we do know that this religion dates back to prehistoric time. Hinduism is a very diverse and complex religion. It is best understood not as a single tradition but as a group of interconnected traditions. The most recognized beliefs and traditions of Hinduism are Karma, Dharma, Samsara and Moksha. People who follow Hinduism do not believe in violence. Instead they believe in prayers, honesty, and truth.