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Hills like white elephants setting and symbolism
The short story "hills of white elephants
Hills like white elephants setting and symbolism
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The Ultimate Choice In “Hills like White Elephants”, Hemingway uses tone, symbolism and imagery to enhance the struggle of power in the relationship. Jig, wants to have the child but her fear of abandonment and reliance on the American makes it difficult for her to reach a decision. Jig is aware that her partner does not care about her or the baby. She has to make a decision that can either strengthen or destroy the relationship. The American will leave her no matter what choice she makes. Although Hemingway offers little exposition in the short story, the tense tone of the dialogue between Jig and the American indicates the deep problems in the relationship. It gives readers a front seat in the tug of war for power between the characters. …show more content…
By Jig's words usage, readers can infer that she is young perhaps in her late teens and naive. The relationship is more important to her, she wants to fight for it. On the other hand, the American is in his late-20s to early-30s, he feels superior to her. He is aware that the relationship spiraling down but, he does not care since the relationship is less valuable to him. Throughout the story, Jig tries her best to show to the American that she is mature and responsible enough to take care of a child. However, her maturity level is not the dilemmas, he simply does not want the baby. Jig fear of her boyfriend's abandonment is the main reason that she will terminate her pregnancy.
She truly wants to have the baby, however her boyfriend wants her to have an abortion since the baby will impact his lifestyle. They live a nomadic life, they are always on the road, trying new things. “That's all we do, isn't it-look at things and try new things?” The baby will require them to settle down, but the American is not ready to settle down yet. Jig, on the other hand, wants to have the baby. She is tired of traveling, she wants to settle down to take care of the child. Although Jig wants to remain stable, she desires her lover more, she will say and do anything for him to stay. ”And if I do it you'll be happy and things will be like they were and you'll love me?” She is even willing to commit abortion, a highly illegal and unsafe act in order to save the …show more content…
relationship. Hemingway uses of symbolism displays how powerless Jig is in the relationship.
The “White Elephants” mentioned in the title is an important symbol. It represents something unwanted. The baby is coming but they do not want to talk about it. “I know could we have another beer” (71). They drink, travel to new places to avoid the conversation. Although the American claims that he is going to support her no matter what decision she makes. He continues to convince her to have an abortion. By telling her that abortion is an “awfully simple operation” and “it is just to let the air in” (71). This prove how he does not care about Jig’s self being nor the baby. During the early 20th century, Abortion was illegal and highly unsafe. The operation cost thousands and had to be done in other
countries. Jig reliance on her partner also forces her to abort the baby. She relied on him for translation even ordering food. In the beginning of the plot, her boyfriend was responsible for translating and ordering food for her. During the time that she has spent with the American, she has unknowingly become a child. She requests his approval for everything. “I don’t know,” the girl said “is it good with water” “Yes with water” The man is aware of that therefore, when she has to make a decision, he simply chose it for her. The American is manipulative, he is aware that he has huge influence over her decisions, he abuse this power every chance he gets. While he was trying to convince her to have an abortion, he told her everything she wanted to hear. He told that many of his friends had this operation and afterward they were happy. He knows that Jig love him and that she will do anything to stay with him. When Jig said “I don’t care about me” (71). He acted like he did not agree with Jig statement and that he will support her no matter what choice she makes. However, he threaten to end the relationship if she does not have the operation. “No, it isn’t and once they take it away we can’t take it back” (72) Hemingway also use imagery to shows that the pregnancy have torn them apart. “The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.” (70) Jig has to make an imminent choice that can either strengthen or hinder relationship. “Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the door, to keep out the flies”. The pregnancy have made them distant, at first it created a curtain between. However, by the end of the story the curtain transformed into a wall and both characters went their separate ways. Jig love for her unborn child caused her to be reluctant to have an abortion. Although she wants the baby, she loves the American more. Despite of realizing that the man does not care about her and things will never be the same, she still go with the operation to save the relationship. When she stated “I feel fine, there nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.” It indicates that she had an abortion. She feels that will save her relationship but the relationship is over, the man will leave since he is finally liberated. Blakemore analysis of the story, gave readers a greater understanding of the relationship. After tasting absinthe, Jig claimed “Everything tastes like licorice. Especially all the things you’ve waited so long for like absinthe.”() “Absinthe leaves a bitter aftertaste, which hides the initial sweetness, so absinthe could be suggestive of their sexual encounters, sweet at first, now marred by pregnancy and the threat of abortion.” (Blakemore) This reveals that her desire of having a baby, and the American is ruining that since they have become distant.
“Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway is about a couple, the American and Jig, who contemplate whether or not to have an abortion. The premise of the story seems simple enough, but the outcome is highly debated. Critics argue that the baby was kept by the couple ( Renner ) and others claim the baby was aborted.( Fletcher ) Others have even simplified the story, claiming that the issue was not resolved because the couple was drunk by the end of the story. ( Sipiora ) Although the conclusion is in questions many have agreed with the idea that the couples relationship would be changed and would end prematurely. ( Wyche ) Dialogue is the main technique in conveying this argument but we can only understand the complexity of Hemingway’s work by looking at the story as a whole. By looking at the many symbols, intrinsically and
Ernest Hemingway has a superbly unique style of writing in Hills Like White Elephants. His short, to the point syntax and sentence style plays a great role in helping readers understand the theme of this short story. The critique M.A.K. Halliday observed, “The story is frequently generated by the repetition of words, clauses, and groups of related words or ethical sets” (Link, Alex). The first set of dialogue that can be pulled from this story is story is short and to the point. The American states, “We can have the whole world.” Jig replies with “No, we can’t” (Hemingway, Ernest). The sentence length is very short, yet there is a hidden meaning behind the small talk. Jig is referring to not having the baby. She can have everything, but her will to decide things. She can’t have a baby due to unloving pressure from the American. It is in sync with the tone of the story perfectly. The tone is forward, direct, and shallow. That is exactly what happens in this dialogue. There is no emotion, just pure sarcasm on a huge topic. Abortion to this couple is nothing more then a qui...
Hence, it implies her disbelief and realization that things would not change much whether or not she got the abortion. Jig’s desire to keep the child is further evident when she tells him “[they] can get along” (593). She sees the possibility of a happy life with the child; the American sees it as an obstacle. Therefore, he continues in his effort to persuade her otherwise because “[he knows] lots of people that have done it” (592).... ...
There is a common theme in “Hill’s like White Elephants” and “The Birthmark” of a life altering decision. Both women are thinking about having an operation that will affect them for the rest of their lives. In “Hill’s like White Elephants”, Jig and the American are debating whether or not they should have an abortion. This decision is something that will affect both of them deeply throughout their lives together. By the way the two characters interact with each other the reader can deduce how important they feel the operation is. There seems to be a tension in their sentences with each other. Jig says things like “Everything tastes of licorice. Especially all the things you've waited so long for” and “That's all we do, isn't it-look at things and try new drinks” (Hemingway 841)? These responses to the American show that Jig is in a distasteful state of mind which would most likely stem from her thoughts about the operation and what they will do in regard to it. Because these thoughts of the operation are affecting her socially, it shows just how important the operation is to her. How Jig interprets the scenery around them while they are discussing the operation also suggests the importance ...
“The Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story that is about an American man and a girl called Jig. They are sitting at a table outside a train station, waiting for a train to Madrid. While they wait they order drinks and have a heated ongoing conversation over whether or not Jig will have an operation that would be of great significance to their relationship. “The Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway has two important symbols in the story, the hills and the drinks both of which help to give us a better understanding of what is going on between the American and his girl.
...g and the American is what eventually tears them apart, they have different needs and desires and this, in turn, allows Jig to discover her independence, despite the difficult choice she faces. After having weighed everything, Jig would have probably had the abortion. Regardless of whether she leaves the American or remains forever unhappy with him, Jig’s decision is made: she takes a final stance and acknowledges – in an ironic tone – “I feel fine… there’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine” (paragraph 110). The question of self-affirmation has been solved here, as she looks to her own self, her own happiness and her own will to look at things as they are.
Hemingway provides the reader with insight into this story, before it is even read, through the title. The girl in the story mentions the hills that can be seen from the train station and describes them as looking like white elephants. Jig is at a crossroads in her life, accompanied by her partner. She is pregnant and cannot decide whether to choose life for the baby, or to get an abortion. Throughout the story, she experiences persistent uncertainty over what she wants to do with her life. Whatever decision she makes will have a drastic impact in her later years as a woman. While seated at the bar inside the train station, the girl says, “The hills look like white elephants” (Hemingway). The hills that are spotted in the distance directly parallel the decision that Jig must make. Critic Kenneth Johnston was recorded stating, “A white elephant is a rare pale-gray variety of an Asian elephant held sacred by the Burmese and Siamese. The girl’s reverence for life is captured by this meaning of the phrase.” Johnston also says, “A white ...
The theme of physical and emotional burdens has a strong connection to Hemingway 's life. Hemingways alcoholism was more of a physical burden as it caused him to have liver disease whereas his fight with depression was more so of an emotional burden. However, the physical and emotional burdens in “Hills Like White Elephants” is focused around a completely different topic than depression or alcoholism. “Hills Like White Elephants” main focus is on a woman named Jig and her lover whose name is never told. All the readers know it that he is an American man. Jig is currently pregnant with what seems to be an unplanned and unwanted child, at least from the point of view of Jigs boyfriend. The couple begins to talk about the pregnancy and, at first, it seems that they have both agreed that the child should be aborted. However, as Jig and her boyfriend continue their conversation about the baby it becomes painfully clear that Jig does not want to have an abortion. Instead, the only reason that she is even considering the abortion is because her American lover does not want the baby and continuously tries to persuade her into having the abortion by emphasizing how simple the procedure will be. Jig’s boyfriend notices how apprehensive she is and tells her that if she truly doesn’t want to do it he’ll support her decision but also tells her that her having the abortion will make their relationship happy once again. Once again insinuating that it is the best decision. Jigg agrees to the abortion but only because she says she “does not care about herself”. Jiggs agreement to the abortion while also saying that the reason she is agreeing is due to her not caring about herself shows just how heavy of an emotional burden she is carrying. Jig loves her boyfriend and wants him to be happy, however, she wants to keep her baby. This causes
Mainly from the dialogue between America and Jig, it seems that the two are an unmarried couple. Their discussion suggests that they are facing some kind of problem. With further analysis, we can begin to discern that the couple was actually talking about having an abortion. It was not explicitly stated, but with their words, "this is really not an operation at any" one can perceive that they were in fact talking about having an abortion.
The story "Hills Like White Elephants" is a conversation between a young woman `Jig' and an American man waiting for a train at a station in Spain. The author never names the topic of their discussion but as their dialogue progresses; it becomes evident that Jig is pregnant. The man wants Jig to abort the unborn child but she is unconvinced and wants to become a mother. Hemingway has brilliantly written the story's dialogue which "captures the feel of a private conversation while at the same time communicating the necessary narrative background" (O'Brien 19). At the end of the story, it is unclear as to what decision has been made; however, Hemingway gives the reader several clues regarding what Jig feels, and what she wants to do. Jig's private thoughts are illuminated by Hemingway's description of the setting, the character, and the conflict. Stanley Renner suggests that, as a result of the couple's discussion, "Jig has become able to make a more clear-sighted estimation, and perhaps a better choice, of men" Wyche(59). The couple's inability to communicate effectively their true thoughts and emotions makes their dialogue very appealing. The story examines the gender differences and miscommunications as they influence the decision whether to abort the unborn child or not (Smiley). In his book on Hemingway, published in 1999, Carl P. Eby points out that "[f]or the past two decades, Hemingway criticism has been dominated by a reconsideration of the role of gender in his work" (Bauer 125).
A baby is precious and life changing, which makes Jig desire to keep the baby and progress with her companion. Jig does not want to travel and repeat her everyday adventures for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, her companion will try anything to convince Jig to have an abortion. "We'll be fine afterward. Just like we were before." "What makes you think so?" "That's the only thing that bothers us. It'...
The character of Jig is also very indecisive. After The American Man is persuading her to have an abortion, she states that she is willing to have the operation if it will make The American Man happy, and insures he will no longer worry. She also states that since she doesn’t care about herself, she will have the procedure because it will please The American Man. Later during the story, while they are outside looking at the hills, the two have the conversation of:
This short story is about a couple arguing about abortion. The girl, Jig, does not want to, but the American man says that it is the only thing between them. The girl wants to continue on with her life of exploring the world with the addition of the baby, but the man says that it would take the world away from them. The man has experience in this, but the woman seems not to. She is reluctant, and does not want to talk about it any more after a point. There are many elements in the story, such as disconnection, manipulation, dominance, innocence, and irresponsibility.
In the short story by Ernest Hemingway, "Hills Like White Elephants," a couple is delayed at a train station en route to Madrid and is observed in conflict over the girl's impending abortion. In his writing, Hemingway does not offer any commentary through a specific character's point of view, nor, in the storytelling, does he offer his explicit opinions on how to feel or think about the issues that emerge. The narrative seems to be purely objective, somewhat like a newspaper or journal article, and in true Hemingway form the story ends abruptly, without the couple's conflict clearly being resolved. The ambiguity of the ending has been a subject of much debate; however, the impact of what is not said in words can be gleaned through the symbolism of their surroundings. Upon examination of the setting, the couple's final choice becomes instantly apparent.
We learn that the woman in this story is called Jig is worried about an operation, and she is making the effort to talk her way into it or out of it. Her male friend, on the other hand, is out to give her support. The story presents the theme of loss of love. In spite of the transparent assertions of the man assertions, it is clear that he needs Jig to abort so that they can continue living their life as before. The approach that Hemingway uses the theme of love and hate is the loss of love. The “Hills like white elephants” may be referring to the baby who is the risk of death though abortion. The couple also seems to be looking at the hills as the lady defines them as being clean and beautiful. Also, white elephants can mean an expensive and great gift. So about this story the white elephant is the baby who is a joy and wonderful gift as well as a burden. The woman views the baby as an expensive gift because she will have to lose her boyfriend in the exchange of the gift. The baby also means a huge price to pay and also to care for the baby alone requires hard work. Through the story does not provide the topic of sexuality in the case of the other two poems I have discussed above, the effects of desire rein this story. The jig is convinced that she can have the world as she looks out to the mountains. The man represents a fear and restriction that are within