Hillary Clinton Women's Rights Movement

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Starting off her political career at Yale University Clinton was able to study in the field of Law, there at Yale she met her now husband Bill Clinton and changed her political stance of a Republican to a Democrat. Changing her political stance she was turned to becoming an activist for many organizations, such as, women’s rights, health care and even children’s rights, her confidence in herself showed through her activism in the community traveling to many places to advocate better peace in the world. Hillary moved to Arkansas in the late 70’s with her husband Bill who she married in 1975, her role in Arkansas ranges from being a an Advocate for Children and Families to a Legal Services firm. As Bill became president scandals of …show more content…

In Hillary’s advance on Women’s Rights she wanted to achieve many goals such as increasing minimum wage, work to close the gap on pay, stop and go up against violence against women, and also stand by Planned ParentHood. In her fight with Women’s Rights she faced many critics, but she carried on with her plan Hilary she advanced on to how women are paid less than men, women of color have it even worse, also bringing in her bill she created as senate a Paycheck fairness act that promoted the tools for women to fight against bigotry in the workplace. Her tact on increasing minimum wage started because most women in American are the face of it, he ability to increase it would definitely close the gap between gender pay. Hillary has taken a stance for women who are not able to get out and speak to the world about what women face on a daily life basis, she pushed past the barrier of men getting all acknowledgment and showed that women are able to be just as great as any other man can …show more content…

The First Lady of the house represents not only her husband the president, but also the community of the White house. As Bill Clinton was elected president Hillary had just started out in her pursuit of the political life, her being a state senate and also and advocate for many causes. Her being a First Lady for 8 years brought to light the real ways of Hillary and her pursuit around the world on her activism and being a first lady. One remarkable speech she gave was September 5 1995 when she spoke on global gender equality violations in her speech she addresses the rights of women stating that “ women's rights are humans rights,” in her address she was the first to bring to attention China’s violations on their own

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