This can be explained by addressing the electronegative affect the chlorine has on the molecule. An increase in electronegativity causes a free radical to be less stable. Therefore the closer a free radical is to the electronegative atom, the less stable it will be and vice versa. Because chlorine is highly electronegative, the relative reactivity for 1,2-dichlorobutane might be higher than 1,4-dichlorobutane, but the 1,4-dichlorobutane is also slightly more stable in the sense the electronegativity of the chlorine on carbon one is not affecting it as much as it is for 1,2-dichlorobutane.
The goal of this experiment is to determine which products are formed from elimination reactions that occur in the dehydration of an alcohol under acidic and basic conditions. The process utilized is the acid-catalyzed dehydration of a secondary and primary alcohol, 1-butanol and 2-butanol, and the base-induced dehydrobromination of a secondary and primary bromide, 1-bromobutane and 2-bromobutane. The different products formed form each of these reactions will be analyzed using gas chromatography, which helps understand stereochemistry and regioselectivity of each product formed.
The electrophile is positively charged, so it will not go to the ortho and para positions, but to the meta positions in greater abundance. Therefore, the majority of EWGs (with the exception of halogens) are meta directors. In this experiment, a meta director is used. If the product added to the ortho or para positions produces a carbocation intermediate that has a positive charge on a carbon that is directly touching the EWG. This carbocation intermediate has more energy, and is therefore less stable.
Depending on which face of carbonyl the hydride attacks, the ketone could result in two different diastereomers of product. Since the two ketone faces are nonequivalent, there will be stereo selectivity in reduction which means that one diastereomer will be more prevalent than the other. There are three reduction conditions can be used to reduce the 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone : NaBH4, MPV , and L-selectride. For NaBH4, the hydride attach itself to the carbonyl oxygen to become the hydroxyl group and it more likely from the top because the hydride isn’t blocked by a bulky group (Fig mech prez). Both sodium borohydride and lithium aluminum hydride are less bulky hydride reducing agents so it is expected that they will be able to attack from the top face of the molecule since the bulky tert-butyl group will not hinder the attack. For L-selectride mechanism is similar to NaBH4, the L-selectride is a source of hydride for the carbonyl oxygen but there are bulky groups that block the hydride. Since L-selectride is much larger and bulkier hydride reagent so likely not be able to attack from the top face in the presence of the bulky tert-butyl group (fig 1 and 2 like web) For MPV, the ketone is reduced with aluminum isopropoxide in isopropanol. The carbonyl oxygen attack the aluminum which causes the carbonyl oxygen to have a +1 charge, a hydrogen as
The isomerization procedure was done in order to create dimethyl fumarate from dimethyl maleate. Dimethyl maleate and dimethyl fumarate are cis and trans isomers, respectively. This procedure was done via a free radical mechanism using bromine. The analysis of carvones reaction was done in order to identify the smell and optical rotation of the carvone samples that were provided. The odor was determined by smelling the compound and the optical rotation was determined using a polarimeter.
Alcohol, which is the nucleophile, attacks the acid, H2SO4, which is the catalyst, forming oxonium. However, the oxonium leaves due to the positive charge on oxygen, which makes it unstable. A stable secondary carbocation is formed. The electrons from the conjugate base attack the proton, henceforth, forming an alkene. Through this attack, the regeneration of the catalyst is formed with the product, 4-methylcyclohexene, before it oxidizes with KMnO4. In simpler terms, protonation of oxygen and the elimination of H+ with formation of alkene occurs.
...teraction of the HOMO of the diene and the LUMO of the dienophile. This reaction was done at relatively low temperatures as the dry ether has a boiling point of 34.6 °C. At low temperature the endo preference predominates unless there is extreme steric hindrance, which in this case there is not. The endo product forms almost exclusively because of the activation barrier for endo being much lower than for exo. This means that the endo form is formed faster. When reactions proceed via the endo for the reaction is under kinetic control. Under kinetic control the adduct is more sterically congested, thus thermodynamically less stable. The endo form has a lower activation energy, however, the EXO form has a more stable product. As this is a symmetrical Diels-Alder reaction there is not two possible isomers of the product.
In this lab, we estimated the VO2 max for one subject on both the arm bike and treadmill. Estimating VO2 max is relevant because it allows the subject to compare their results with normal limits for their age and gender and see where they fall. It can also be used to make an exercise prescription in order to improve or keep a closer eye on your bodies own personal limits. Lastly, estimated VO2 max can be used as a diagnostic test to acquire information about a person’s health.
Benzyl bromide, an unknown nucleophile and sodium hydroxide was synthesized to form a benzyl ether product. This product was purified and analyzed to find the unknown in the compound.
Lamisil, which is chemically terbinafine hydrochloride, is the premier antifungal drug on the market. It effectively destroys fungal problems ranging from athlete’s foot to onychomycosis. However, Lamisil has a number of problems associated with it, including cost, side effects, and even effectiveness. Therefore, I created two analogs in an attempt to improve Lamisil, which I will discuss in my paper.
The late sixties were a time filled with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. A huge part of American culture at the time was focused around these three things. Musicians possessed a tremendous amount of social influence, and like wise, society put a lot of emphasis on the lives and attitudes of musicians. Of the rock groups from this time period, the Beatles were by far the most influential. The British rock group was probably the most catalytic band in rock and roll history. Although they came together in the shadow of the Beatles, another band of that era was Jefferson Airplane. Jefferson Airplane was deemed the first of the San Francisco psychedelic rock groups. Jefferson Airplane was always considered to be a psychedelic rock group, but it was not until later in their existence that the Beatles fell into this category as well. Both groups earned this title for their creative style of rock as well as for their experimentation with drugs. Each of these groups wrote songs that alluded to drug use at one time or another. Two of the most criticized songs from these bands are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles, and White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. White Rabbit is a song latent with drug references. The connection with drugs in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is not as clear. Although John Lennon claims that he had no intention of making references to LSD in his song, the abstract lyrics and metaphoric language invite drug connotation. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and White Rabbit mirror each other in their association with LSD and their allusions to Alice in Wonderland, but looking into these songs more deeply it is obvious that both artists were writing about escape; escaping reality.
Chlorinated hydrocarbon - name it, describe its route of entry, and 1 or 2 health effects
Teratogens are all around pregnant women. Only look at the normal house hold toothpaste that states on the bottle, to seek medical attention if swallowed. Almost everyone has toothpaste in their home and uses it everyday but with all the chemicals, it is considered a teratogen if ingested. Teratogens affect embryo's development and counselors can help prevent exposure to teratogens.
The purpose of this experiment is to show how dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, a synthetic pesticide, moves through the food chain. The special focus of this experiment is how dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) bioaccumulates and energy moves through the trophic levels of a food chain. To illustrate biomagnification, M&M chocolates were used to exemplify phytoplankton with the opacity of the M mark on the chocolate serving as the amount of DDT within the phytoplankton. For example, an M&M with a perfect M mark on it was said to be a phytoplankton that ingested one hundred percent of the DDT while an M&M with an absent M mark on it was said to be a phytoplankton with zero percent DDT ingestion. Amount of DDT, measured in ppm, and kilocalories
L-Acetylcarnitine, also named as ALCAR, an acetylated form of L-carnitine, fosters the uptake of acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) into mitochondria during fatty acid oxidation, raises the production of acetylcholine, and triggers the synthesis of membrane phospholipid and protein. ALCAR has been explored for use as an acetylcholine mimic as well as in targeting cardiovascular pathologies. Acetyl CoA, as the primary substrate for the Krebs cycle in mitochondria, must be re-charged with an acetyl-group in order for the Krebs cycle to maintain working when it is de-acetylated.
The beginning of the CFC(chlorofluorocarbons) era started in 1928, when CFC' were invented by a Du Pont chemist. CFC' were best known as "freons" and became famous as a safe, nonflammable refrigerant. It's invention became a great triumph when Freon took the place of sulfur dioxide or ammonia which was used as the working liquid in refrigerators. It eventually became widely used in automobile air conditioners and nontoxic propellants in aerosol cans. It's insulating properties also was used for blowing agents for plastics and foam cups.