High School Exit Test

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California Exit Exam Fails the Test High school graduation exit exams continue to make news across the nation. California along with 25 other states, requires students to pass a high school exit exam to graduate. The California version is administered to students in the beginning of their sophomore year and measures student abilities in reading, writing, and mathematics. If students do not pass the test, they are given the opportunity to retake the section failed or the entire test up to two times per school year in grade eleven and up to five times per school year in grade twelve. In addition to other graduation requirements, public high school students must pass the exam before they receive a high school diploma. Although California The high school exit exam is outdated and does not reflect California’s new, more rigorous academic standards that emphasize skills needed to succeed in college and careers in the 21st century.” When interviewed, Torlakson was quick to point out that in January 2013, he had recommended a number of alternatives to the exam in a 176 page report to the Governor and State Legislature. Those alternatives included using the results of the eleventh grade Smarter Balanced Assessments; using results of other exams, such as the SAT, ACT or Advanced Placement tests, as a “proxy” for the exit exam; or using course completion in high school as a measure of proficiency. When asked if the exit exam was now abolished, Superintendent Torlakson hesitated, but explained that he, along with Mark McLean, CDE Assessment Development and Administration Division Director, look forward to forming a panel of students, parents, teachers, and education administrators to develop a more thoughtful approach to high school graduation requirements. This task force will have three years to review current procedures and determine if a new test should be developed. The final report will be presented to the Governor for approval. Personal interviews with a small number of random California teachers, students, and parents confirmed what Superintendent Torlakson stated in his interview, “The CASHEE is no longer relevant and California needs to continue to find effective ways to achieve college and career readiness for all students.” Whether the exit exam reappears in a new format or not, students, teachers, parents and CDE administrators interviewed agree that exams are only effective when support is provided to help struggling students eventually

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