High Cost of Healthcare

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There is no denying the fact that the cost of health care in the United States has been on a constant rise than the wage of the employees that pay to have access to better healthcare. There is the general fear among these employees that if the rising cost of the health care is not brought under control, there will come a time, and some analyst think, the time is already here, when those employees will not be able to afford health care for themselves and their families. This fear of the unknown is particularly evident among those closer to retirement. Employers of labor have for quite sometimes now, been shifting the burden of the high cost of affordable health care to their employees, and that has significantly reduced employee standard of living the past couple of years. Similarly, rising health care costs could also drive up inflation and make U.S.-made goods and services less competitive in international markets in the long run because increasing health care costs might eventually be reflected in higher product prices. Since the 60s, government budgets have been influenced by the need to finance healthcare especially the cost of Medicare and Medicaid benefits. According to CMS’ National Health Expenditure Projections , total health care expenditures have grown by an average of 2.5 percentage points faster per year than the nation‘s Gross Domestic Product. For about 60 percent of workers who receive some form of health care coverage from their employers, the cost of their health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses have increased significantly faster than their own wages; and between 1999 and 2008, both average health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs for deductibles, co-payments for medications, and co-insura... ... middle of paper ... ...re Reform on Small Business and their Employees, July 25, 2009 http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/CEA-smallbusiness-july24.pdf Retrieved January 17, 2014 Fred J. B. & Fottler, 2011.Fundamentals of Human Resources in Healthcare. Health Administrative Press, Chicago, Illinois. Print. Himmelstein, D. et al, (2005). Illness and Injury As Contributors To Bankruptcy Health Affairs. http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/early/2005/02/02/hlthaff.w5.63.citation Retrieved January 19, 2014 Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Growth in Medicaid Long-Term Care Expenditures, 1990-2006, May 19 2008. http://facts.kff.org/chart.aspx?ch=476. Retrieved January 23, 2014 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Benefits 2000-2008 http://kff.org/private-insurance/report/2013-employer-health-benefits/ Retrieved January 15, 2014

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