Hero's Journey In The Hobbit Bilbo

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Little do people know, the world of mythology and all of the tales of people, and adventures that have happen in greek mythology have made and evolved its way to modern day books, and even influences. Such as some of the words that we use in our language, even to why we think certain things are in this world like evil. Mythology has a lot of tales of people that were ‘nobodies’ and were trained to be these great heroes of mythology. These individuals achieved the title of a hero by going through the steps of mythology’s ‘her journey’. In The Hobbit bilbo is an example of the steps greek mythology heroes took in order to become the modern day hero.
The first step that is listed in the hero’s journey of mythology is known as the “ordinary world”. which is the main character, which in this case bilbo's life before …show more content…

In the mythology hero stages, this stage would be known as the crossing of the first threshold. Which is where the hero crosses leaves the ordinary world and goes into a special world. Which for bilbo its just leaving his everyday routine life to go out and risk being in danger, and being outside of his home, which to him is a whole different world.
Throughout the book during Bilbo's journey he faces a lot of trials, and test to prove himself to the dwarfs that he is capable of handling situations, and to gain the title as a hero. This sage is known as the tests, allies, enemies stage. Bilbo is able to escape trolls, escape precious, and find a magical ring, able to rescue the dwarfs after they were kidnapped and was willing to go into the dragons cave. During these many trials that he faces he also encounters a lot of setbacks which falls in the stage of Approach.
The biggest trial for biblo was getting into the dragons cave, getting gold, and also kill the dragon. this is the sage of ordeal. Which is the stage where the hero encounters the biggest life or death

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