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Leaders are made, not born. Whether you lead on the field, in a classroom, within a family, or at work you must build a solid foundation of skills that you can use to lead others to achieve phenomenal results. Emerging trends in the United States alone have a significant impact on what we expect from others. As we, experience a fast-paced ever-changing world there is one character that has remained consistent and necessary. Leadership. Herman Boone, one of the main characters in the movie, “Remember the Titans” said, "Without character, we have no legacy." (http://www.umich.edu/~urecord/0405/Jan24_05/15.shtml) “Remember the Titans” a story about the racial integration of two coaches, a team, and a community. During the course of the …show more content…
There was a great deal of tension, fights, and harsh words. Coach Boone responded with a leadership style that demanded respect. Persons in every type of leadership must respond with respect. The movie “Remember the Titans” exemplifies leadership at many different levels that is based on respect for all of humankind. Throughout history, the United States has been privileged to experience the leadership of many extraordinary people across a broad spectrum of markets. The legacy of many of these leaders influences the decision and motivation of leaders still …show more content…
Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Coach Boone took the players to the historical spot of The Battle at Gettysburg. He reminded them this battle was fought for them and told them that over one hundred years later they are still faced with the same battle as those whose blood was shed for them. Boone reminded them, “You don’t have to like each other but you will respect each other.”(movie). Boones’ leadership gave purpose and direction. At first Boone did not allow the players or coaches to have any sense of power. He recognized the outside forces of society were too influential and he tried to control what the team thought and
leadership style. When Boone first meets the Titan coaching staff, he knows that he is not
The role of a leader is often inaccurately defined as an individual who is in a position to give orders. However, there are enormous differences in the attributes of an outstanding leader, and one of mediocrity. An outstanding leader, above all else, is a role model for their peers. In doing so, a leader of the highest caliber is trustworthy in both their peer’s trust for the leader as well as the leader’s trust of their peers. A leader must also display exceptional skill in communication which transcends speaking and, more importantly, includes listening and consideration to the ideas presented to them. Furthermore, a leader must be supportive of and willing to help their peers build their own strengths. The attributes listed above represent only a small subset of what makes an outstanding leader. Yet,
Chad Miller, manager of Buffalo Wild Wings in Dubuque, excellently showcases leadership characteristics each time I work with him. Throughout my one and a half years working underneath him, I have witnessed many great exchanges of leadership from Chad to customers, employees, and his other managers. He remains professional, shows his passion for the sports within the restaurant, as well as the food and atmosphere, clearly communicates effectively, and has inspired many people to move up within the company. However, another great example of leadership comes from the Director of Student Life, Diversity, and Leadership of Northeast Iowa Community College, Kara Popp. She exudes professionalism, while maintaining a light atmosphere during the time I work with her. Her communication style clearly shows her passion for the school by consistently instilling excitement and enthusiasm into her audiences. As president underneath of Kara, I have transformed into a proper leader. Although my previous leadership experience, as an 18 year old manager at a McDonald’s restaurant, showed my immaturity throughout my tenure, but beca...
When Boone was appointed to the position of football coach at T.C. Williams High School, he became the visionary of success to the program. His vision for the team from the beginning was to win a state championship. As a leader one must be a visionary and have an ultimate goal that needs to be accomplished. Difficult situations continuously present themselves and need to be handled effectively in order to accomplish the leader’s vision, which often occurred during Boone’s journey with his team. Throughout the film, no matter what circumstances Boone encountered, he was able to stay focused on the goal of winning a championship which consequently allowed the team to
The midnight setting at the cemetery for the Battle of Gettysburg gave Boone’s words an extraordinary power; he gave them a patriotic and an innate sense of responsibility to make sure that those soldiers that died died in order to unite people and bring them together. By informing the team of the historical background and the importance of the events that took place there he has power behind his words, and his slow and deliberate tone allots them adequate time for total comprehension. But like all teachers do, he started with a question giving them an opportunity to become engaged as well as making it real for them. Without even saying anything, team unity is promoted by having them run together, as well as listen to the speech together. During his speech he emphasizes that exact point “I don’t care if you like each other or not. But you will respect each other. And maybe, I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men”. He was in the position to say these things to them at this point because of the authority he had developed up to this point, if he had tried to do this in the beginning it would not have gone how it did at this point. In his speech he borrowed credibility from Gettysburg, towards the end of the speech he told the boys to “take a lesson
Leaders are snowflakes. Each one is unique with the styles of how they lead. Leaders can range from political figures, athletes, and your parents. Anyone who practices the five exemplarily leadership guidelines has the ability to be a leader. According to Posner and Kouzes, “A leader is someone who is active, causing others to act towards achieving a common goal” (Maude 1). Jackie Robinson may not be the first name one would think of after hearing the term leadership; however, Jackie Robinson fits the criteria of Posner and Kouzes definition of a leader. Jackie changed the world and how society acts becoming the first African American figure to break the color barrier across American sports. Through Jackie Robinson’s courage, Robinson was
This means standing up for what you believe in, and going with your gut. Coach Boone often stands up for his opinion against racism and eventually, the town stands up against racism. However, the most prominent example from the movie are the white football players standing up for their African American friends back at school. After a two week football practice camp in Pennsylvania, the African Americans and whites have blended, and they are all friends. But when they get back to school, nothing has changed; racism is still very much alive. But, the white football players do not turn their backs on their African American football friends, even if their school friends say to. Eventually, they turn the whole town around to see their point of view. As Coach Boone said in the locker room right before their championship game, “You’ve taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him,”. This shows being true to one’s self because they had now realized that racism was wrong, and by sticking up for their opinion, they are being to true to themselves and they convince the whole town. An aspect of character in "Remember the Titans" is being true to one’s self because it shows that they stick with their gut tells them what is right and were true to themselves about their feelings toward
3) Coach Boone is devoid of warmth and humor. Coach Boone inspires the team to follow his mission. He has the experience and ability to work and motivate the team. He has always supported his team by encouraging them at all time in order to perform well and to head towards the victory. He tried to create equal opportunities between the players in order to maintain a team where everyone is respected. Boone shows to be as tough as any coach comes, and it's this characteristic that helps bring the blacks and the whites together on the team. Coach Boone was helpful in solving problems that occurred in his team. For example, he wanted the white and black players to communicate between one another. He was ecologically sensitive, a leader who knows the obstacles that are or will face the team. His vision focused on the team and its members at all times. Regardless that he is tough, his way of dealing with the players, gave them more confidence to themselves.
Maxwell, John C. "The Definition of Leadership." Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville: T. Nelson, 2005. 1.
But after Boone saw what it meant to the black community, he accepted the job. Yoast, however, wanted to go elsewhere. As the white players threatened to boycott the team, Yoast became the assistant coach with his friend, coach Tyrell, lest the white boys jeopardize their future. As training camp starts, they have to break up numerous fights between the white and black teammates. Yoast does not like Boone’s extremely aggressive training style and is reflected in the quote “There’s a fine line between strict and crazy, and I reckon you’re flirting with it”. After Boone’s Gettysburg speech, the coaches begin to move together. Eventually, coach Tyrell and coach Yoast have a split in friendship about integration. Tyrell does not like it, but Yoast stays integrated. This is reflected in Tyrell’s quote “Go to hell”, as Tyrell quits. Yoast and Boone go and win the state championship without Tyrell. As viewers, we can see that both coaches are forced into a place they did not initially accept but adapted and got through the hardships as a part of accepting integration and growing
It is clear to us that Boone did in fact face a challenge that he overcame. He wanted to be accepted by the community by proving that he was a valued member of it, a valuable football coach. In order to do this he had to prove that he could coach The Titans through all of their games, this required team unity. He gained the respect and acceptance of the football players in order to encourage their unity. He knew that only through their unity could they succeed. It is not the mere challenge that Boone faced that gained merit; it was what he succeeded in doing that was the real important achievement, succeeding to prove to the community that they could indeed be united.
Growing up in a rough neighborhood, positive role models were not present in my everyday life. Fortunately, I created a personal understanding of what it took to be a true leader when Marcelo Neveleff became my coach. Coach Marcelo was my club soccer coach throughout my teenage years, and Marcelo demonstrated three key tenets that made me realize what it took to be a great leader. From his guidance and inspiration, I have drawn that in order to become a successful leader, I must be goal oriented through determination within myself by leading from the front. This reflects that there is a specific goal that I, as a leader, must be willing to reach that will inspire others to do the same. To become a successful leader, I must also be empathetic
In the 2015 film Reversing the Mississippi, viewers are presented with two unconventional leaders within their respective communities. Both of these leaders tackles social problems plaguing certain communities by informing their followers about becoming self-sufficient, whether it be instruction on urban farming to teaching kids how to be able to explore the ins and outs of farming technology and economics. Nat Turner and Marcin Jakubowski, the two leaders discussed in the film, give an excellent example from which to compare Keven Cashman’s model of “leadership from the inside out,” as well as the seven forms of mastery that accompany such a model of leadership. According to Kevin Cashman’s argument on leadership, he believes, “that leadership
(33.41) Character Coach Boone: The scene where Coach Boone brought them running to the battlefield of Gettysburg in the morning inspire the team with his speech about being destroy if the team between different race not come together and to respect each other in order to overcome the conflict of racism. In this scene Coach Boone inspire Gerry and Julius to realize their potential as the captain which resolve the racial conflict. Leadership ability to inspire the others to work together for the good of the organization and able cause people to do what the leader wants. A good leader can inspire themselves as a leader in order to influence the others.
The emphasis on leaders being not just executives and managers, and that not all executives and managers are leaders, is extremely vital. Anyone can strive to be a leader in whatever organization in which they are involved. Bennis and Nanus claim that leadership is about character, setting the example for how team members treat one other (and in a corporate setting, their clients as well), being truthful and sustaining organizational trust, and encouraging themselves and others to learn. On one hand, it can be easy to see how many people in leadership positions do no match up to these standards of leadership. On the other, it seems a bit like common sense to be truthful to others and to effectively communicate with people who work together everyday. Leaders is an effective tool for summarizing and inspiring leadership not in that it teaches tough strategies and manipulations, but that when looking at an overview of its content, Bennis and Nanus are essentially teaching human relations and human decency. All in all, this book highlights strategies for us all to be better in our lives and our everyday