Women During The 1920's

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Throughout the years of 1863 through 1950 American women and, engineers like Henry Ford were progressing in the workforce yet they were getting harsh critique's that sparked controversy for women, and industrialists that were seen as unfit for various jobs alongside with unfair judgments from their writings, and the media.Nevertheless,did the role of women undertake a temporary cessation. Women were once thought that they need to retain a physician to give them a special physical examination for their female conditions. In other words this was done not only to protect the property against the likelihood of lawsuit. But, it reveals any female weaknesses which would make her mentally or physically unfit for any job type. Considering this, women …show more content…

For instance according to the National Organization of Women (NOW).Offensive statements like “Ads suggest that a woman’s place is in the home,” were made against them. Forasmuch as, I know that isn’t true because, just a while ago it was being said women are active indoors as well as outdoors through the statistic that was given. It’s just that during the Roaring Twenties there was a lack of consensus or, disapproval of ethnic backgrounds. However, that position I made is incorrect and, in some aspects isn’t always the case. Because, during the Roaring Twenties there were times where economic progress flourished. For example in 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company, and five years later that company invented the first Model T. Subsequently, Ford sparked controversy for his pacifist stance during the early years of World War I .Eventually; it earned him widespread critiques for his anti-Semitic views and writings. This popular car was so successful because, it was the first automobile that was affordable to the masses. Before the invention of a Model T there were other forms of transportation like horses, trains and, …show more content…

Granting that, when he was asked what would the Ford Motor Company turn out to be, he said, “Why I don’t know exactly what will become of that; the portion of it that does not belong to me cannot be sold to me, that I know.”(Ford 3) Considering this, was a failure for Henry Ford when he came to the conclusion that he had been trying to make his Model T serve too many consumer needs. Anyway, if many people weren’t neglected on their views and, behavior in society. Then by any means necessary it would let in more opportunities for individuals to enhance and, surpass the needs of consumer culture. In conclusion dating back from the years of 1863 through 1950 certain people like; American women, lawbreakers and, immigrants either went through or, undergo; Americanization, restrictions ,unlawful teachings by harsh critique's that sparked controversy through the widespread of fear alongside unfair judgments from their writings, and the media was all bad behavior and, it should not have been tolerated. The 1920s foretell a dramatic fracture between America’s past and, it’s

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