Hell Is Other Ipod Analysis

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Barriers that Come with Modern Devices
It is not an overstatement to say that modern portable communication devices are becoming an inseparable part of today's society. In "Hell is Other iPods," Caspar Melville accused that modern communication gadgets have caused social isolation among people as well as limiting the choices of people. He further pointed the irony of these so called communication devices, stating "it suggests connection-always the implicit promise of the digital age-while enforcing separation..." Melville mainly points out the impact of modern, portable communication devices on social relations. She criticized that these devices limits music experiences and filter out information. She also rejects the idea that these devices can be used to enhance social interactions. The above arguments Melville made match the ideas I have about these devices. In fact, I strongly agree with his argument that these devices are potential social hazards for the society.
I could not agree more with Melville first point that modern devices are enforcing "severe limitation" of music …show more content…

The traditional method of breaking the ice with conversation is much more effective, as it forces you to have a face to face interaction. Since communication also involve body language and other subtle details, is it really possible to communicate effectively while listening to each other iPods or looking the mobile devices' screen. Hence, it would be more natural and convincing to form lasting bonds using traditional conversation

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