Helena And Hermia Compare And Contrast

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In the play,Hermia and Helena are the main female protagonists and 2 of the four lovers. They have some similarities in their personalities as they are both girls that are headstrong people that want things to go their way and won’t give up until it happens. Even though it is inevitable that they share some common personality traits that are interchangeable between them,However, that is not true. While they both do some similar personalities,they actually have very different personalities.

Being two of the four lovers,they are obviously in love with someone in the play. However,what separates them is their desire to love someone or to be loved by someone. Hermia is in love with Lysander while Helena is …show more content…

Helena appears to be a more timid,quiet,low self-esteem,whinny and a girl with zero confidence. Hermia is the complete opposite of Helena because she is lough,arrogant,headstrong,bold and a girl with a lot of confidence. Hermia's personality traits are first shown in act 1 scene 1 when Theseus questions her obedience to her father and when he persuades her to think about Demetrius in which Hermia stands her ground and refuses to obey either her father or even the Duke of Athens Theseus. This shows the arrogant,bold side of Hermia as she won’t listen to the two men and is also taking a big risk just show she can be with Lysander. It can also be argued that Hermia displayed a lot of confidence in this scene, because back then where the plays time setting is supposed to take place,it took a lot of guts for people, especially women to argue and refuse to listen to the Duke back then. On the other hand, Helena has shown the opposite of each of these personalities that are possessed by Hermia. Helena is shown be a lot different because, during the first act and scene,she is shown to pout when Hermia calls her fair as a compliment and greeting.She is shown to have a low self-esteem by the fact that just because Demetrius likes Hermia more than her, she comes to the conclusion that she is inferior to the smaller girl. An example …show more content…

Some key differences is their how desperate they are for someone to love them,their personalities when they’re jealous,and their overall personalities to any individual.Hermia doesn’t feel the necessity for someone to love her the way Helena does. During some point in the story,the two of them felt jealous towards one another because of their crushes feeling towards the other person. Helena wasn't angry towards her friend or making insults to her, which was the complete opposite of Hermia who bashed out insults and started to feel angry towards Helena. Another difference between the two is they have some personality differences in their behavior to other people.Helena is bit more timid and shy,while Hermia is not shy,and bold. The differences between these set them apart and make them as 2 different individuals that play a key role in the drama in the play. They have similarities,but they are meant to be polar opposites to create an air of drama and themes about love to the

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