Hector Sanchez Family

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Emigrated from Mexico to the United States is the Sanchez family. An undocumented immigrant, Hector Sanchez, came to the United States. in 1979 as an agricultural worker. Hector was granted lawful legal status in 1986 under the Immigration Reform and Control Act Federal Amnesty Program, that was design for people who enter the country illegal and prove he or she reside in the United States since 1982 (Rodriguez & DeWolfe,1990). He later brought his wife and three children at that time who were also granted legal status. After establishing a new life in a Latino community in South Florida Hector and his wife had three more kids. The now ten member family now faces daily challenges. These challenges are the instability of employment to provide …show more content…

Married to Hector Sanchez she is the connection to her family with a passion to keeping her family close to home. After living in South Florida for nearly two decades, Celia has a pleasure for cooking and looking after her family but never worked outside of the household creating numerous of problematic obstacles. One barrier Celia face is the lack of English proficiency which limit her ability of interactions. With this restraint Celia requires her son to attend doctor appointments as her interpreter moreover limits her connection with her children’s life events to include parent teacher conference and the lack of understanding the implications through the juvenile justice system. Nevertheless Mrs. Sanchez have to deal with extra stressors such as inadequate income for food. With the amount of people in the Sanchez’s household to feed she receive food from the church pantry without Hector knowledge, the fact that, he is not interested in applying for government benefits. An additional of Celia stressor’s is the arrival of her undocumented nephew. Since her nephew arrived it created tension between Hector and Celia because of the added mouth to feed besides the fact it causes a breach in their rental contract. She also care for her daughter who is autistic and her grandson whom she is in proceeding to gain custody. There are numerous concerns as it relates to Celia. First she will be placed in a English …show more content…

At the age of 14 Emilia became involved with drugs later to develop an addiction. After fail attempts to complete a drug addiction program due to relapse, Emilia want to change her life around and gain custody of her son. Before her drug addiction manifested she spent time with her mother caring of her siblings. Narcotics, prefer crack cocaine, turn out to be Emilia’s way to cope with her stress of being overwhelmed plus the lack of attention she received from her parents. She later became pregnant with Joey follow by another pregnancy leading to an abortion. Because of Emilia discussion, her family refuse to acknowledge her due to their cultural beliefs and values. In order for Emilia to get custody of Joey she need to show that she changed. The first start is to assess a plan to attending and completing a drug rehabilitation program. Making it relevant that she is getting sober will help her in different ways. One, she can slowly gain custody of Joey. Secondly, it will limit her chances of being deported under the U.S. Immigration Law for committing a federal offense. Third, discussing avenues based on her skills and desire for an educational placement program similar to General Educational Development then college or a technical school to learn a trait to find employment. Lastly, engaging in parental classes to establish a bound she does not have with

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