Heart Of Darkness Good Vs Evil Essay

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Staring Into the Heart of the Heart of Darkness
1. Consider our discussion of good vs. evil, and fate vs. free will. What position does the pastor, Rev. Mark Long, take on these issues? (i.e., Does he believe people are destined to be evil, or that they make the choice to be so?) Cite the line(s) that support your response.
With regard to the case of Susan Smith, Rev. Mark Long claims that “she had a choice between good…and knew what she was doing when she made it” (2). From this, it can be assumed he believes that people are NOT destined to be evil or good, but instead make the decision to be evil.
2. Using Rev. Long’s terminology, what is Satan’s “beautiful presentation” to Macbeth in Act I of the play? What makes it so “beautiful” or attractive? …show more content…

She was suicidal herself, but she viewed leaving her children motherless as “cruel;” in the hopes of being kind and giving her children the best, she killed them so they truly have what was best in her eyes, heaven. (4)
5. From the perspective of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, is there any way their plot to kill Duncan could be seen as reasonably “justified” or “good”? If so, what would justify this act? If not, explain. (i.e., if we consider that acts can be evil, but be based on good intentions, is that the case in this situation?)
From the perspective of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the murder of Duncan cannot be justified. Macbeth’s sole intention is to kill the King just so he can get to a higher position. Macbeth even has a moral conflict about killing Duncan, and needs to be convinced to by his wife to proceed with their plan. If Macbeth is conflicted at the last moment, his actions cannot be morally justified.
6. Explain the metaphor that Rosenbaum uses on pp. 7-8 to explain the nature of the “categories of evil.” To what does he compare these categories? Do you find this comparison to be effective in illustrating his point? Why or why

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