Healthy Grief

543 Words2 Pages

Job was an honest, God fearing husband and father who lived long ago. His story is told in the Bible where we see everything that he loves taken from him, and in the end even his own health. Due to his wrath from God he experiences grief and finally finds favor with God. Kübler-Ross’s study of those who were grief stricken and suffering a terminal illness began her search for a process to assist them with accepting terminal illness and grief. She defined and divided grief in five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and ultimately acceptance. In this paper the author will compare the story of Job and how it correlates to the grieving process defined by Kübler-Ross. A comparison of the relationship and interaction between joy and grieving will be madthcare professional has an opportunity to help balance the activities of strengthening and disputing in the face of grief and bereavement (O’ Brien, 2011, p.321). As Gods instrument, part of a healthcare professionals’ calling is understanding the grieving process, and giving comfort and guidance to those who are suffering amidst ...

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