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Principles of health promotion nursing
The importance of safe staffing for nurses
The importance of safe staffing for nurses
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Recommended: Principles of health promotion nursing
Applying Health Promotion Model and Theory of Reasoned Action to Safe Staffing Level
Safe staffing issue has been identified as one of the problem in health care. The problem resulted from the inappropriate ratio between the nurse and the number of patients a nurse takes care within a shift. Patients and nurses well-being are being at risk because of the inappropriate safe staffing because of nurses feeling overwhelmed and stressed with their job. It was learned from the previous papers that the issue with staff level can be intervened by applying the theory of Health Promotion Model as a framework in assisting nurse leaders in creating policies that ensure healthy and appropriate work practices, determine the appropriate number of nurse to
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It leads to the need for a more complex care and increase the demand for unnecessary use of resources like manpower, time and money; it can also increase the stress of the care providers. As a nurse leader, the use of theory such as Health Promotion Model can be done to address the dilemma of safe nurse staffing. Applying the theory of Health Promotion Model to the issue of staff level provides resolution and interventions that can assist leader in the organizations in improving the delivery of care, assist nurses and acknowledge them as a valuable resource, and in promoting patient’s health outcomes. This can be done by creating policies that ensure healthy and appropriate work practices, determine the appropriate number of nurse to patient ratio, identifying proper work hours, and providing enough time for nurses to rest for them to feel well appreciated to be able to promote health of the patient. The sufficient number of staff per patient would help achieve the goal of health care service regarding promotion of health of the …show more content…
The reasoned action approach rests upon the assumption that workers engage in specific behaviors because it is reasonable for them to do so (McEwen & Wills, 2014; Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). The reasons behind their actions are often the beliefs nurses have, which they associate with engaging in the behavior. Knowing these facts, nurse leaders such as the nurse managers could work towards addressing the actual issue, motivating their nurses and providing sufficient number of patient they could handle. This could satisfy the nurse’s needs and help them be more productive with their job and change their intention towards their work. The nurse leaders would also understand the nurses and their beliefs and intentions towards their job in utilizing the theory. Nurse leaders could work by targeting the nurse’s beliefs, which is the most direct way for developing interventions to reinforce or modify behavior towards providing better care for their
In this essay, I will be using the understanding of two psycho-social theories, the theory of planned behavior and the health belief model, and the professional ethics to explain how it can lead to the development of concordant medicines-taking behavior in Amira Masood. Concordant is which doctor, pharmacist and patient agree therapeutic decisions that including their respective opinions, to a deeper understanding which extends from prescribing communication to patient support in medicine taking. (1) I will be also discussing the issues of consent and confidentiality arising in the case. The health belief model is comprising by four basic beliefs.
Over the past years, there has been a nursing shortage which has led to the need of more registered nurses in the hospital setting. This is the result of higher acuity of patient care and a decrease in their length of hospital stay. In order for the patients to get safe and quality care, the staffing, education and experience of the nursing staff needs to be made a priority. Because of the lack of nurses, patient quality of care has suffered.
In the case of nurse staffing, the more nurses there are the better outcome of patient safety. When there enough staff to handle the number of patients, there is a better quality of care that can be provided. The nurses would be able to focus on the patients, monitor the conditions closely, performs assessments as they should, and administer medications on time. There will be a reduction in errors, patient complications, mortality, nurse fatigue and nurse burnout (Curtan, 2016). While improving patient satisfaction and nurse job satisfaction. This allows the principle of non-maleficence, do no harm, to be carried out correctly. A study mentioned in Scientific America showed that after California passed a law in 2014 to regulate hospital staffing and set a minimum of nurse to patient ratios, there was an improvement in patient care. Including lower rates of post-surgery infection, falls and other micro emergencies in hospitals (Jacobson,
research on how to implement a cost effective, safe, and quality method of maintaining nurse to
It also proves that there should some retaining accountability in quality of care to individuals receiving healthcare. Aim is team work , planning, implementation , progress measuring of health care consumer within the organization.Promots continuous ongoing education of all healthcare providers.ANA provides some leadership qualities as nurses can act as a mentor to other colleagues for the improvement of nursing as a profession and quality of care. In leadership important personal qualities are communication and ability to resolve conflicts. So treat others with full of respect ,dignity and trust. Should consider the effectiveness of communication and ways to improve autonomy and accountability of nurses. Work under the influence of polcies and procedures and involve the patients and profession. Decision making bodies are taking the role for the sake of improve the healthcare outcomes and the professional practice improvement. In public health sectors there should be interprofessional team and that should be advance the nursing practice in interpreting the role for community as a whole. Also nureses can teach other staff members and patients. Pomoting good and healthy working atmosphere between local, national , international communities. Leaders are exhibiting the quality of flexible changing style and creativity according to the situation. They should be energetic in their action and also should accept the mistake by self and others . Other quality is co-ordination of care because in health sectors there is licensed and unlicensed nurses so there should co-ordination among staff members. Work as administrative team. Promote communication among staff members through written messages , publications and presentations. Promote direction to improve the effect of the multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary
The role of a Registered Nurse cannot be neglected in the provision of quality and safe care to patients and adopt procedures adequate for the condition of the patients because they work at the front line level; moreover, they have direct dealing with patients and integration of personal and professional skills is necessary. Therefore, there are certain attributes that are necessary to be present in a Registered Nurse for accurately performing various tasks. These include; Workload management, leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, control of practice, professional development, effective communication skills and organi zational loyalty (Daly & Carnwell 2003, pp. 158-167). These attributes hold significance in terms of obtaining positive outcome for not only the Registered Nurse but also the organization and the patient. Workload should be managed in such a way that the care process is not affected. Registered Nurse should have leadership qualities to help, motivate and inspire other nurses. Similarly, a Registered nurse should also enable and promote learning opportunities for other nurses. A Registered Nurse has responsibilities towards the subordinates, patients and most importantly to the organization. Effective communication skills can allow Registered nurses to establish a trusting relationship with patients identifying their problems and needs. The code of ethics and principles of practice must be followed and the practice of the nurse should be in the line of the organization’s working principles. The responsibility should be met as accountability factors must be considered significant in healthcare setting (Cornenwett, et al, 2007, pp.122-131; Bradshaw et al 2012, pp.13-14). ...
I am glad that you mentioned safe staffing in your post this week as one way that nurses can help facilitate positive change throughout the community. Not only does safe staffing help to save patient lives it also helps to prevent burnout at the nursing level. According to Peate (2015), nurses face major challenges in order to deliver the best possible care with fewer resources that is not only financial but human as well. This creates an environment of overworked nurses who are more than likely letting their health take a backseat. “Individual nurses are going the extra mile to get the job done, yet the damage to their health is real and is happening nationwide” (Peate, 2015, p. 133). There is one particular vivid memory of an example of short staffing that I personally experienced on my floor and although one of my
Patient’s safety will be compromised because increase of patient to nurse ratio will lead to mistakes in delivering quality care. In 2007, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) conducted a metanalysis and found that “shortage of registered nurses, in combination with increased workload, poses a potential threat to the quality of care… increases in registered nurse staffing was associated with a reduction in hospital-related mortality and failure to rescue as well as reduced length of stay.” Intense workload, stress, and dissatisfaction in one’s profession can lead to health problems. Researchers found that maintaining and improving a healthy work environment will facilitate safety, quality healthcare and promote a desirable professional avenue.
Factors such as, heavy workloads, stress, job dissatisfaction, frequent medical errors, and intention of leaving the job are all common for nurses to experience, especially during the nursing shortage crisis. Not only do the nurses suffer during a shortage, but the patients ' health outcomes suffer even more. For instance, there are higher rates of infectious diseases and adverse patient outcomes, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), upper gastrointestinal bleeding, shock, pneumonia, prolonged hospital stays, failure to rescue, and mortality. As a result, this leads to higher re-admission rates for patients. Furthermore, high patient-to-nurse ratios cause heavy workloads due to an inadequate supply of nurses, an increased demand for nurses, a reduction in staffing and an increase in overtime, and a shortened length of stay for patients. Without the heavy workloads that nurses have to endure on a daily basis, there would more time for nurses to communicate more effectively with physicians, insurance companies, and patients and their families. Those heavy workloads are the result of hospitals reducing the nursing staff and implementing mandatory overtime policies just to meet unexpectedly high demands. Unfortunately, the nursing shortage has affected nurses ' mental and physical health. For example, the most common health concerns for nurses include cardiovascular health, occupational injuries and illnesses, and emotional and physical exhaustion. Therefore, safe-staffing ratios/levels have to become the main
Health care organizations are focused on providing high quality and safe patient care. There are numerous organizational factors that may directly affect patient care and outcomes, but one of great importance is nurse staffing. Low nurse staffing levels are a major problem that I have encountered during both my clinical and management experiences. There is a significant relationship between inadequate staffing levels and adverse patient outcomes; however, as I observed during my experiences, there may be increased awareness about this issue, but it has not been sufficiently addressed. In order to ensure patients’ safety and positive outcomes, as well as to improve nurse satisfaction, it is imperative to effectively address low staffing levels.
Patients Safety is the most crucial about healthcare sector around the world. It is defined as ‘the prevention of patients harm’ (Kohn et al. 2000). Even thou patient safety is shared among organization members, Nurses play a key role, as they are liable for direct and continuous patients care. Nurses should be capable of recognizing the risk of patients and address it to the other multi disciplinary on time.
Understaffing is one of the prominent problems that hospitals and healthcare facilities are facing. Hospitals and healthcare facilities argue that they do not have enough budget to hire nurses to care for patients. While some say that there are not enough nurses here in the United States to hire. Also, hospital administrators think that hiring extra workers is not economically right. However, nurses and staffs disagree. When facilities do not have enough staff, it is the workers, especially the nurses that are having a hard time. They are the one that are suffering from overworking and pressure which leads to mistakes that will affect the hospital’s reputation and patient’s health. Nurses are here to care and nurture a patient and therefore
Health promotion is the process of improving health status of a person and prevention of disease by enabling the person to take control of their health. It is not just the absence of disease (Maben, & Clark, 1995). Health promotion is commonly used term in health care world, and in current society the promotion of health has greater significance, especially with the rise in consumerism. Health promotion is a vital concept for nursing, symbolizing notions that nursing is related today. Nurses are being urged to take a health promotion role, and are deemed by others as an ideal role for them. It is therefore crucial that nurses cognize the meaning of health promotion and also what is expected from them by undertaking this
Health informatics (HI) professionals need to remember, IT solutions that work in hospitals most likely will not work in settings like ambulatory care, home health and long-term care (LTC). These areas of health care require very different IT solutions to meet their individual regulatory requirements and practice settings. Ambulatory care, most notably physician’s offices provide care over longer time spans than do hospitals; so their IT solutions need to be able to track trends over time with their patients. Resources are limited, especially in smaller practices, so web-based applications are popular (“Ambulatory,” 2010). Physicians may need to access patient records outside of the office; another reason web-based solutions are attractive.
The importance of a healthy community is not only an issue that affects the individual health of member of the community but is also something affects the health of the overall economic health of the community. Health education helps keep people in check with their personal health, and good personal health correlates with more happiness. Happiness is life correlates with more satisfaction with what an individual 's does on the daily. If an individual is more happy with their daily life then it is very possible that they are in some way happy with their chosen job or occupation. When companies have a happier workforce there is a higher chance of increased productivity, which in turn creates higher chances for an increased profit in the company.