Headers Should Not Be Banned

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Headers Soccer without headers is like a musical without music. It just doesn’t make sense. Heading the ball is a part of soccer, when you don’t have it, it feels like part of the sport is just gone. To non soccer players, it might not seem like a big deal but it really is. What happens when the ball is coming right at a kid’s head? Are you just going to make them duck or run out of the way and are referee really gonna call “headball” if I kid doesn’t? My point is headers should not be banned from soccer. First off kids are going to be more scared to head the ball than if they started them earlier. I mean I can see why they aren’t the most pleasant or fun things to do when you are just starting off. When kids are more exposed to headers though, they are more likely to not be scared to do them. Instead of them being focused on getting hurt they’ll be more focused on doing them right. All in all it gives them a better chance of not getting hurt. Next would banning headers really be necessary? …show more content…

While this may be true, it still doesn’t mean that you’ll get a concussion if you do one. Actually if a header is done right it shouldn’t really hurt at all. Soccer can be a dangerous sport, but if kids are prepared it doesn’t really have to be. Kids need to know what to do and when to do it, especially when it comes to headers. They are banning headers from soccer, but what about tackle football? Are they just going to take out the whole tackling aspect because of a chance of a concussion. In conclusion headers shouldn’t be banned in soccer. Soccer isn’t the same without headers. Plus banning headers isn’t necessary and the only ones you ever hear complaining about headers is the soccer parents not the players. With players always getting hurt from all kinds of things can we really ban this one thing? Players are still going to get hurt and there will always be a risk with playing

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