Hcs 490 Week 4 Marketing Strategy

1114 Words3 Pages

Marketing Simulation
Jacky Aguilar
Thomas Gordon
Vanessa Best
January 20, 2016
Janine Lewis

Marketing Strategies

Patient Health Records are one of the most protected and needed pieces of information in healthcare. Patient Health records (PHR’s) are becoming electronic to become more easily available to health care providers. There are some drawback that have emerged such as the competency of the security of these Electronic Health Records (EMR’s). Growing concern from the baby booming generation over their privacy and security. HER work to give medical information to healthcare providers across many forms of data. This is to ensure less errors and overlooked symptoms that can cause an impediment in a patient quality …show more content…

Since 1970, health care spending has grown at an average annual rate of 9.8%, or about 2.5 percentage points faster than the economy as measured by the nominal gross domestic product (GDP). Annual spending on health care increased from $75 billion in 1970 to $2.0 trillion in 2005, and is estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2015. As a share of the economy, health care has more than doubled over the past 35 years, rising from 7.2% of GDP in 1970 to 16.0% of GDP in 2005, and is projected to be 20% of GDP in 2015. Health care spending per capita increased from $356 in 1970 to $6,697 in 2005, and is projected to rise to $12,320 in 2015.” (Henry J, …show more content…

There are huge developments of new treatments that previously have been untreatable because of terminal conditions, especially long term maintenance therapy. There has been treatments like diseases from diabetes, end-stage renal diseases, and AIDS and HIV. The clinical ability to treat a lot of untreatable and acute conditions have had huge major advances. One of the main surgeries that has been impossible to do, for example coronary artery bypass graft was virtually undoable and now it’s being studied by hundreds of doctors throughout the world. Technology has also brought new procedures for discovering and finding ways to treat not just primary diseases but, secondary diseases also. For patients that require dialysis patients have even been able to treat their anemia deficiencies.
Then, comes the expansion of treatment and the process that it takes for patients, especially in comparison with patient populations increase. Although, the technological improvements in quality and its capabilities has also enabled a better patient outcome. The perspective and the scope of medicine has magnificently pushed the limits and boundaries. Mental illnesses and substance abuse have taken over our decade and technology has provided so many diagnosis to undeterminable diseases before that it has become an

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