Hazard Analysis Essay

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Processed milks are generally homogenized to further disperse the fat globules in the milk. This gives the milk its smooth and uniform texture. It also prevents the rising of cream to the top. After homogenization, softer curds will be produced, and coagulation may no longer be observed.
Another process employed in milk processing is known as fortification. Since some vitamins in milk are removed when the milk fat is reduced, it must be replaced by fortifying the milk with vitamins from external sources. Reduced milks are also added with nonfat milk solids to improve their appearance and flavor. Any other fortification done in the milk must be indicated in the label (National Dairy Council, 2000).

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

The complexity of demands by the consumers today has resulted to standardization processes and implementation of strict regulations in food manufacturing plants. Every food companies strive for excellence so more people will use their product over their competitor’s. Because of this, systems have been developed by different organizations and by the companies itself to ensure that every product released in the market meets the expectation of the consumers. An example of this system is the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or HACCP.
The HACCP makes use of systematic establishment of control measures that will ensure the safety of the product being processed. It is recognized internationally as a tool that could identify hazards present at different parts of the production. Aside from hazard identification, control and prevention methods are also enumerated.
According to EC- ASEAN (2005), HACCP includes methods which must be carefully planned to guarantee the success of the system. These...

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...nging eating habits, food production must be optimized at all times to reduce financial costs and at the same time increase the nutritional value of food. With this comes one of the most significant standardization ISO has created. The Food Safety Management System, commonly known as ISO 22000. This system introduces methods which may be used by different countries to allow them to follow the standard setting for a certain food production.
Through this scheme, the whole food industry are disseminated with the best practice and informed with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Also, they only follow a single specification which can already be applied to different markets. Consumers also benefit from standardization procedures since it ensures the safety and quality of the products they use. Appendix B shows the other standardization programs under ISO: 22000.

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