Has Technology Ruin Our Ability To Communicate Summary

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Most people use some form of technology on a daily basis. Whether they send a message or post on social media, whatever it may be most people use technology every day. It has gotten to a point where most people rely on technology. Before people used to talk to each other in person, there was communication face-to-face or over the phone, but now when someone wants to hang out with a friend it is not a call or “Hey meet me at the park at 4 o’clock on Tuesday.” Instead a text reading “u want to hang?” is how people set up a plan. Natalie Bencivenga, a free-lance author for Huffington Post, states “Texting as a form of regular communication is dangerous, because how well can one communicate via text? Sure, it’s quicker than calling but because …show more content…

Everything has been reduced to 130 characters, and frankly, I’m a little worried about the effect that it is having on the state of our collective consciousness.” In her article “Has Technology Ruined Our Ability To Communicate?” Bencivenga talks about how communication through technology takes the intimacy out of a relationship and how there is not a strong connection between two Facebook friends. Bencivenga mentions how the “quantity over quality” mentality is beginning to influence how people look at relationships. “There is no depth to any of it! I know plenty of people that have been dumped via text message, and even some that found out they were no longer in relationships when they checked their soon-to-be ex’s Facebook status and it went from “in a relationship” to “single” right before their very eyes.” (Bencivenga). So clearly, this use of technology is making it so people can more or less avoid conflict. Rather than confronting your significant other in person and ending the relationship that way, you can simply send them a text message telling them that. But what happens when someone has to deal with this kind of conflict in person? Will they know how to deal with

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