Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

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J.K. Rowling, Joanne Kathleen Rowling an English writer born July 1965 at Yate General Hospital in England (Rowling). Mrs. Rowling grew up in Chepstow, Gwent where she went to a school called Wyedan comprehensive (Rowling). Joanne left her hometown of Chepstow for Exeter University, where she earned a French and Classics degree her course including one year in Paris (Rowling). As a postgraduate she moved to London and worked as a researcher at Amnesty International among other jobs (Rowling). Joanne moved to northern Portugal, where she taught English as a foreign language (Rowling). In October 1992 Jo got married and gave birth to a daughter Jessica in 1993 (Rowling). Not to long after the birth of her daughter Jessica her marriage ended (Rowling). After her marriage ended Jo moved back to the UK to live in Edinburgh, where Harry potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was eventually completed (Rowling). Jo married for the second time to a man name Dr. Neil Murray in 2001 (Rowling). In 2003 a brother to Jessica was born named David, two years later in 2005 a third child was born name Mackenzie (Rowling). Joanne started writing the harry potter series during a delayed Manchester to London King’s Cross train journey, and through out the next five years she outlined her first book in the series and then began writing (Rowling). After her first five book where written J.K. Rowling started the sixth book in the Harry Potter series is called The Half Blood Prince. This book of the series was published in the UK, us and other English-speaking countries on the 16th of July 2005 and achieved record sales (Rowling). J.K Rowling’s sixth book in the series Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince expertly uses imagery, characterization, and motif...

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...emort and great moral of Dumbledore. The characters differ from one other but they are very different in some ways. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are brave and have great moral. Where Snape, Voldemort, and the other death eaters are evil. The motifs in this story help the book come together and give information to the readers.

Work Cited

Rowling, J.K. Half Blood Prince. UK, U.S. 16 July 2005: Warner Bros. 2005. Print


Work Cited

Rowling, J.K. J.K. Rowling, Lightmaker. “J.K. Rowling and her work.” Jkrowling.com. Warner Bros. Ent. 2006. Web. 31 March 2011.

Siminoff David, J.K. Rowling, “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Symbolism Imagery, & Allegory.” Shmoop.com. Shmoop University Inc. Web. 1 April 2011.

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 31 March 2011

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