Hank Case Study: Psychoanalytic Approach

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At some point, most people are likely to experience a time of confusion, a time of wondering why they are the way they are, or why they feel the way they feel. Sometimes, people do not even question why they are the way they are, they just have a feeling of emptiness or not belonging. Some may face their problems while others may run away. Today, we are going to look at the case study of Hank, a man who is socially awkward, extremely skilled in computers, overweight, and a heavy smoker. The hope of this paper is to give some insight into the reasoning behind Hank’s problems. This analysis will look at the possibility of fixation, anxiety, repression, and even some showing of symbolic behavior.
First, let’s briefly look at the background story of Hank. Hank works with computers, which he is very skilled at. He is sometimes required to deal with customers when other coworkers are too busy. Being socially awkward, Hank is not good at this and seems to only irritate others. His personality is very sarcastic and intimidating, but he does not see how this may offend others. He thinks that his meetings with people tend to go very well. Hank is very obese, and uses eating as a way to cope with the stress of everyday life. As well as eating away his anxiety, Hank is a frequent smoker. All he wants is for a woman to fall in love with him, because if someone fell in love with him, he could quit smoking and lose the weight.
According to the founding father of psychology, Sigmund Freud, there are five different developmental stages that we must pass through in childhood in order to become fulfilled individuals. What Freud argued was that we all go through certain sexual stages in childhood that we move through for biological reasons. He argu...

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...t and why he has such a sarcastic attitude. Instead of thinking about his problems and trying to work through them, he eats and smokes, finding a way to self-soothe.
As can be seen in this evaluation, Hank is a superb example of the principles of the psychoanalytic theory. He makes a very good case for psychosexual development stage fixation, as well as symbolic behavior and repression. After looking closely at his case study, it could be said that there is a direct correlation between his eating and smoking habits, with the way he was nurtured in that first eighteen months of life. Those first eighteen months of his life have managed to leave an impression and make an impact that will last a lifetime. Well, unless he is willing to sit through some extensive psychotherapy.

Works Cited

Jerry M., B. (2010). Personality (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cenage Learning, Inc.

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