Handsomest Drowned Man

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In the short story, The Handsomest Drowned Man by Gabriel Garca Márquez, and in the novel, The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, they discuss the importance of appearance and how it affects your social status and how people treat you. It brings up the importance of how looks will change your life for the better or for the worse. This can be related to Social Psychological Face Perception: Why Appearance Matters, a study on how appearance affects social status by Leslie A. Zebrowitz and Joann M. Montepare. These three literary works all shed light on the importance of looks when it comes to how those around you treat you. These different sources all support the idea that appearance is very important to how people treat you. It also highlights …show more content…

This is supported by, “This parallel is important because it corroborates the hypothesis that different impressions of unattractive and attractive faces reflect reactions to anomalous facial cues that signal fitness and health. Zebrowitz and Montepare, p. 2). The previous quote highlights the importance of having a good face and how most people judge solely based on their facial appearance. The study also backs up the fact that many people become more attracted, the longer they spend around someone. This can help to explain why many stories have a focus on appearance and why the main characters are often depicted as conceptually attractive. The Great Gatsby contains several moments where beauty and appearance are very important to their social status. One instance is, “Sunshine fell with romantic affection upon her glowing face” (Fitzgerald 14), after Gatsby first sees Daisy and immediately falls in love with her. This highlights the importance of looks as Gatsby, without seeing the person a day in his life, falls head over heels due to her sheer …show more content…

It has become important over time to be able to judge if someone is a worthwhile partner in a short amount of time, when survival was a more prevalent issue. The Great Gatsby, The Handsomest Drowned Man, and Social Psychological Face Perception: Why Appearance Matters all introduce the concept that attractiveness and having good physical characteristics is important when it comes to seeming attractive to others. All three sources introduce things that make people attractive, The Great Gatsby introduces the importance of good hygiene and good skin, The Handsomest Drowned Man introduces more physical characteristics like facial features and physical characteristics, while Social Psychological Face Perception: Why Appearance Matters bings up more negative characteristics that the other gender find.While The Great Gatsby and The Handsomest Drowned Man bring up positive features that, while on the other hand Social Psychological Face Perception: Why Appearance Matters bings up more negative characteristics that the other gender find. attractive with a sprinkle of what would be more

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