Hamlet: The Most Tragic Hero

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The Most Tragic of Them All

Shakespeare has shown us three very different but somewhat similar tragic heroes through three of his most famous books.At the bottom of the totem pole we have Macbeth a greedy,power hungry man that dies of his own sins of greed and blind ambition. Macbeth is one of the two heroes that followed the voice of someone else,such as the witches and his wife. Next, we have the second most tragic hero,Othello an ignorant, love struck man that dies of his own insecurities, and having the characteristics of being a follower.Finally we have the most tragic of them all, Hamlet. A man who is scarred by the death of his father and the betrayal of his mother, he dies of his tragic flaw, thinking too much and not acting on his …show more content…

Hamlet has every characteristic of a tragic hero.He was spiritually wounded, he suffered more than he deserved, he is noble in nature, etc. He was spiritually wounded from the death of his father but not only just the death of his father the betrayal of his mother marrying not only the murder of his father but also his father's brother. Claudius, Hamlet's Uncle StepFather, says “ 'Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father; But you must know, your father lost a father; That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow. But to persever In obstinate condolement is a course Of impious stubbornness.” (1.2.90-98) Claudius is telling hamlet to get over his father's death, because everyone's father has lost a father who lost their father, and he should get over his father's death because it has been two months and everyone loses their father. This brings us closer to Hamlet because we can all relate to his feelings. His feelings are very realistic unlike Macbeth and Othello. We seen ourselves through hamlet even more when he says “ His canon’gainst self slaughter!”, he wants to kill himself because, “Now i am alone, Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am I!”(2.2.526-533) he is telling us that he thinks of himself as nothing more than a low life and that is because he can not let go of his father's …show more content…

The most tragic of them all, Hamlet. A man who is scarred by the death of his father and the betrayal of his mother, he dies of his tragic flaw, thinking too much and not acting on impulse .The second most tragic hero, Othello an ignorant, love struck man that dies of his own insecurities, and having the characteristics of being a follower. Last,Macbeth a greedy,power hungry man that dies of his own sins of greed and blind ambition. Macbeth is one of the two heroes that followed the voice of someone else,such as the witches and his wife. All of these men died because of revenge be it revenge for themselves or revenge from someone else. Each tragic hero is a hero in their own way. They all suffer more than they deserve and they all are noble in nature even though they may not have every tragic hero characteristic they all are tragic and so are there stories. They all connect to one another, but revenge and guilt will kill

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