Hamilton's Corruption In Right Handman

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Lin Manuel Miranda’s performance/musical, Hamilton, shows the loyalty between characters, which is almost as unstable as the Hamiltons friendships. Hamilton is a very ambitious character who brings up multiple times that he will not be, “throwing away my shot.” But loyalty is the driving force behind his ambition. The songs, “Right Handman” and “cabinet battle #2” show instances of loyalty and disloyalty and where they belong to people. “Cabinet Battle #2” shows the corruption that can sometimes form in loyalty, which leads to disloyalty. While “Right Handman” also shows the corruption formed in loyalty, but it also shows signs of distrust between Hamilton and his peers. Corruption will only form when there is a need for one of the parties to bond with another. Miranda here shows the way in which loyalty is needed for …show more content…

In this instance Hamilton has more loyalty to himself and getting to the top. “You need all the help you can get./ I have some friends. Laurens, Mulligan,/ Marquis de Lafayette, okay, what else?” The way in which people are listed seems as though, they are being used as tools and not people. Also, he says “you” instead of “we” in that it separates Hamilton from the loyalists. In not including Hamilton it shows the corruption in Hamilton's loyalty to his country but highlights the loyalty to himself. Here though, loyalty is needed for the survival of a country, but they cannot seem to find it in the people.“Any hope of success is fleeting,/ how can I keep leading when the people I’m/ leading keep retreating?” Miranda writes, “Any hope of success is fleeting” the word “fleeting” makes it seem desperate and unhopeful for the future. Washington says, “The people I’m leading keep retreating” this shows the loyalty in him and their country isn't enough to die for. This shows signs of distrust and lack of spirit towards the loyalty between the people and

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