Half Wild Nesbitt Character Analysis

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As the son of the most powerful and most feared black witch ever, Nathan is seen as insidious and as a jeopardy to the community. Nathan is a son to not only a powerful black witch but also to a white with mother. In Half Wild, Nathan is on his own he has lost Gabriel. One day while in the woods where he has lived while searching for Gabriel he comes across Nesbitt. Nesbitt is a half blood, part fain and part black witch. Nesbitt works for Van, who has Gabriel because she saved his life. Nathan and Nesbitt go to Van and Nathan is reunited with his best friend Gabriel. As they all go on a path to finding Gabriel’s real self and Nathans childhood friend they encounter many struggles. While reading this novel, I made connection to the character Gabriel, questioned the choices made by Nathan, and evaluated Nathan and Gabriel’s relationship. Through the novel it has been obvious to me that I share many of the same …show more content…

One choice that I questioned was when Nathan decided to go with Nesbitt. This decision could have gotten him killed because he didn’t know wether or not Nesbitt was telling the truth. Nathan says he will go with Nesbitt: “You can take me then” (Green 57). This is quite risky because for all Nathan knows Nesbitt could be a spy for the hunters. I found this decision to be not smart because Nanthan could have been killed and then he would never be able to find Gabriel and would never know if he was safe or even alive. Another decision I questioned whas when Nathan agreed to “fuse” his soul to Gabriel so he could become a full black witch again. I questioned this because if it did not work then they would be stuck together forever. Nathan says,”I don’t like it but I’ll do it” (Green 124). There is a posibility that they could get stuck together forever until they starve. I found this decision unsmart because there was a posibility that they would forever be stuck like super glue ☺

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