Hailey Hardcastle's Struggle With Mental Illness

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Being sexually abused is very difficult and can cause long-lasting mental scars. At the age of 6, Hailey Hardcastle was sexually abused and it had long lasting effects on her mental health. After her experiences, Hailey found that she “found certain numbers, colours, and shapes scary”. She had to do things in threes. [She] was obsessive about making sure all my teachers liked [her] would have panic attacks because [she] was so anxious about not having perfect homework or not making this adult proud of me. "(Finan and Herbst). At such a young age, complicated feelings such as the ones that she had were very hard to navigate through, even with the help and guidance of a parent. Many times, these feelings are associated with PTSD after an event such as what happened to her, and understanding how certain …show more content…

Hailey Hardcastle knew how important it was for students to have days off, especially when struggling with mental illness. After her many struggles with mental health, Hailey realized that not everyone's parents were as supportive as her mom was, which sparked her and “fellow students Sam Adamson, Lori Riddle, and Derek Evans, [to work] with two pro bono lobbyists [and] draft language for [a] mental health days bill,” (Ralph). This mental health days bill was passed in Oregon in 2019 to allow students a set number of excused mental health day absences. If Hailey Hardcastle had never fought for this law, most states would most likely not even have considered having days like these. Many kids would have kept on suffering in silence, not being able to take a day for themselves. After the law in Oregon was passed due to Hailey Hardcastle's accomplishments, 11 more states followed suit in passing laws to help with the ongoing mental health crisis. Before Hailey’s mental health days law, the country’s suicide rate increased by 57% from 2000 to 2018

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