H. L. Mencken Analysis

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American essayist and social critic H.L. Mencken wrote, “The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” There is often debate centered around this statement and whether or not this declaration is correct. This in turn makes a contrast between the American ideal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In this case, life and liberty can contrast one another and the two cannot occur simultaneously according to H.L. Mencken. Today, this can be seen in modern day politics, driving laws, and security checks at airports. Recently, there have been changes within the government that increases the amount of security in the United States. There is constant debate about whether or not these new changes truly provide safety for the citizens of the U.S., if they are just, or if they are worth going about. President Trump has recently put a temporary immigration ban on seven Islamic countries. He strongly believes that in order to protect the U.S. from terrorism, it is crucial to step that the government must take. Trump’s preconceived notion of terrorism has led him to instill this ban and is something that he believes will provide a certain degree of safety for the citizens of the U.S. While his travel ban may …show more content…

Prior to 9/11, there was little to no security in the airport. One could simply check in and walk to straight to their gate. Shortly after, security took rise across the country and noticeably in airports. Now, one must wait in line, take off their shoes, jackets, liquids, and get screened for metals. While some view this as an inconvenience, others perceive this as a completely necessary aspect to one's travels. In this instance, one's freedom is significantly limited but, in turn, a greater level of safety is provided. This situation is perceived differently by everyone and depending on one’s outlook, can be a good or bad aspect to

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