Gwen Darling Characters

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Wendy Spinale Everland Publisher: Scholastic Press 336 pages 2. The city of London was destroyed leaving three children, Gwen Darling, Joanna, and Mikey, as orphans. Gwen takes the responsibility of her parents by taking care of her siblings and hiding them from the German army, led by Captain Hook, who believes that the children are the cure for Horologia disease. Gwen and her siblings live in a hideout and search for a non-perishables. Gwen meets the wretch Pete and his sidekick Bella. After returning home, Gwen find out that the leader of marauders, Captain Hook, have kidnapped Joanna for experimentation. 3. This takes place in a London where bomb was dropped and destroyed the entire place with a disease. The time seems to be based around the …show more content…

The characters all retain the heart of their namesakes. There is a cocky playfulness to Pete, and yet he is also easily imagined as a charismatic and fair leader. Bella has Tink's jealousy, loyalty, and cleverness. Gwen is a girl on the verge of becoming a woman. She is also brave, and compassionate. The author is careful to keep their essence but moulds it to create characters that are wholly her own. She allows their circumstances and experiences to shape who they are and this makes them feel all the more real. Captain Hook is, perhaps, the character that is most changed. He's given a backstory that serves to illuminate his motivations. 5. Pete is a boy who lives within his own shadow. He wants to get his sister and himself out of the orphanage, a deadly place full of rascal and thieves, where survival is resolved by skills and bareknuckle bravery. Captain Hook hunts for children because he believes that the children can cure the disease. The Marauders and Captain Hook spy the streets and snatch kids, only to use them for experimentation. Gwen Darling and her siblings survived from the disease. They spend their days and nights hiding from the Marauders. However, Gwen’s sister, Joanna, was kidnapped by the

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