Guy Montag In Fahrenheit 451

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Four hundred fifty one degrees is the temperature at which paper burns. Guy Montag knows this for a fact, for that is his whole life. For twenty years he has worked as a fireman burning books to keep the community “safe” from all of the lies and wrong ideas the book’s words put into people’s minds. After those twenty years of working as a fireman and a few conversations with young Clarisse McClellan he slowly begins to realize that he is not happy and he does not agree with the population’s opinion. One house burning in particular put Montag on the edge of his career. In this situation, a lady is willing to parish in her house because of the effect books have on her, he perceives that there must be more to books. Montag feels that it is important to express his feelings to his is wife, Mildred. During his break from work he shows Millie the twenty plus books he has been accumulating over the years. She is quick to turn him in to his boss, Captain Beatty, for his illegal doing. This creates a big happening where Montag finds himself to be surrounded by many devastating events and is a fugitive on the run. Guy Montag is a bold man. …show more content…

She opens his eyes to many things he has never seen or has long forgotten about. She influences him to see more, such as nature and rain. Clarisse shares many of her beliefs and feelings with Guy Montag which causes him to think a lot more about his life and his happiness. She is very persistent on asking him about his job and why he is comfortable burning books. Montag finds himself in devastation after hearing the news that the newest addition to his changing life, his inspirational friend, Clarisse has died in a tragic accident. This causes him to promptly comprehend that life could end at any moment pushing him to grasp onto the understanding that he should pursue what makes him

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