Gun Violence In America Essay

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Gun violence in the u.s cannot be compared to other countries, because Americans everywhere have a high demand for guns, the fact that we rely on guns we have worst gun violence than other countries. In fact data was collected by united nations simon rodgers for the guardian that the u.s has lead the race in homicides by gun. Data “shows that America far and away leads other developed countries when it comes to gun-related homicide, due to Americans huge demand for firearms and need for protection.”
Gun violence in other countries are less because how strict their laws are compared to ours, they also have less demand for them. A number of gun owners believe that it's the birthright part of the nation’s heritage to own their guns, Americans believe so because there second amendment which was ratified in 1791, which gave Americans rights to bare arms. America has been a country since 1776, since this amendment has been set for such a long period of time Americans believe and rely on it. In fact ¨The United States, with less than 5 …show more content…

All guns are not equal and should not be treated equal. Most try and argue that there's no difference between having assault rifles or sport rifles, if so then why put a ban on specific guns. The (washington post) states that “many claim there's no difference between assault-style weapons and the firearms of sporting. If this is so why are law enforcement groups from coast to coast pleading for passage of a bill to ban the sale of 19 specific models.” If these weapons are all so equal why put a ban on them. States feel as though “these weapons are Military classified weapons that should not be in homes or even locked away,” These 19 weapons are all assault rifles which now have an illegal ban in America due to lowering the chances of mass

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