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Laws issued for gun control in america
Gun control federal government
Gun control federal government
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Recommended: Laws issued for gun control in america
Many government officials believe it is their right to control the use of firearms in our country. Many civilians believe it is their right to bear arms to protect themselves and their families. This has been a very controversial issue over the past recent years. Especially since Barack Obama was inaugurated. Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting really set a fire underneath the feet of liberals to secure more gun control laws. Is it really effective to take away guns from law abiding citizens? What about the gun running by the gangs and cartel? Who will take their guns away? Will the ATF? It’s nearly impossible to completely shut down organized crime such as the cartel. When guns are taken away from people who possess them merely to protect themselves, what will happen then? Let’s take a look at the much bigger picture here.
To say that a gun killed my daughter or son is asinine, and frankly it’s utterly ridiculous! Does anyone ever think about the person behind the gun? What about children who kill children? Where were their parents and why would you not lock up a weapon that would cause that kind of damage? As sad as it can be when a parent loses a child due to gun violence, but it certainly wasn’t gun’s fault. In my opinion, laws that are in place should be further enforced for the person responsible for the gun. The current laws hold the parent responsible for their minor adolescent’s criminal actions. Depending on the crime the parent could be charged with negligence, fined, or imprisoned in the cases where the parent’s registered legal firearm is used by a minor child for murderous acts. Are these parents prosecuted to the full extent of the law?
Shortly after recent shootings, since Barak Obama took office, he gathered ...
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...of their guns. I wouldn’t want to be the one on the other end stirring that boiling pot! Can you imagine the chaos, and the storming of the streets? This country would never be the same again. So for those of you who think you can take guns away from law abiding citizens I believe you are in for a “fight,” literally!
Works Cited
Gun Owners of America, “The Failed Experiment: Gun Control and Public Safety in Canada, Australia, England, and Wales.” Gun Owners. 11 October 2008. 11 November 2013. Web.
“Nashville Crime Rate Report,” City Rating. 2013. 14 November 2013. Web.
Garman, T.J., “Lecture,” Humanities. Northeast State Community College. 12 November 2013. Lecture.
Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Weapon Use by Offense Type,”Office of Justice Programs. 7 December 2010. 12 November 2013. Web.
“Crime in Chicago,” Wikipedia. 10 November 2013. 12 Novemeber 2013. Web.
"The Controversy of Gun Control." Open Discussion about Various Controversies. N.p.. Web. 3 Dec 2013. .
Carter, Gregg. Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2012. Print.
Richman, Sheldon. "The Seen and Unseen in Gun Control." The Freeman 1 Oct 1998: 610-611
“Gun Control.” Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints In context. Web. 15 Sep 2013.
Guns are not the trouble, people are. The United States is #1 in world gun ownership, and yet is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people. The number of unintentional fatalities due to firearms declined by 58 percent between 1991 and 2011 Based on these facts, one can see the guns not the causes of gun violence. moreover, civilians who get permits take gun safety courses and have criminal background...
Gun Ownership and Gun Control in Canada The Oscar-won documentary ‘Bowling for Columbine’ has aroused people’s awareness of gun ownership and gun control issues. Should gun ownership be banned or should guns be controlled? Does gun ownership create a violent society? The answer is not measurable, however, from the firearm situation between America and Canada, the answer is more obvious.
The Web. The Web. 5 June 2015. Flynn, Michael W. “Handgun Laws.” quickanddirtytips.com. 2008.
Once the second amendment gets abolished the we have to turn in our firearms. That brings up a couple of questions. What is the Government gonna do with thousands of firearms and ammunition? Also, according to Ohio governor John Kasich, “ Gun violence is the fault of the individual, not the firearms itself.” Kasich continues to argue, “ Criminals would have access to guns even if they were illegal.” (Kasich “Gun Control Laws: Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws.”) Criminals have access to the massive black market where you can buy anything illegal. Firearms to Illegal drugs and everything a criminal would want in between. If the Government makes our law abiding citizens give up their weapons, we the people of the United States would be at a disadvantage to criminals. This would make us Americans be at a state of constant
Gun control was brought into play to protect citizens from criminals and lunatics who shouldn't have guns in the first place. But only 27 percent of the criminals who are in prison for crimes involving guns have obtained them legally (Henderson 23). If criminals can find guns illegally now, how is more gun control going to stop them from getting them later? Groups against gun control,the most dominant being the NRA (National Rifle Association), are afraid gun control is the first step in outlawing guns.
... have to lose in order for people to actually start trying to remove guns from their grasp? Adults play a role in the violence within children. Some play the good role; trying to stop it, and some, the bad; condoning it. Others don’t play a role at all. Everyone needs to play a good role and work to stop the violence in our children. Imagine a world where our youth don’t try to kill each other. Where they don’t necessarily get along but they don’t turn it into violence either. A peaceful place, with hardly any guns, and safer than before. Sounds good right? Well, how about we make it happen?
It seems like every time we hear about a violent crime involving firearms the focus is turned to gun control. This has turned the issue of gun control into a major debate in our nation. When it comes to taking a side on the issue many people decide completely on an emotional level instead of looking at the issue rationally. People think that solving violent crimes involving guns is as easy as taking away the guns. How do you go about taking guns away if that is the solution, or what will the effects be of taking guns away from people who don’t use them for crime? The lack of information on this issue leads to an unequal view on gun control and can completely distort the ability of that individual to be able to take a rational stand on the issue. I believe that by being open to the facts of gun control that involves elimination weapons people will find that this type of gun control is not rational and therefore is not the answer for the gun control debate in our nation.
Are you willing to sit back and become a victim of violent crime or allow the government to tamper with your civil liberties? In recent years, anti-gun politicians have attempted to control guns in the name of crime prevention this is an assault on the Second Amendment rights of US citizens . The Second Amendment states, “ A well regulated Militia being necessary to the Security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Not only did our Founding Fathers focus their debate on the right of people to keep and bear arms, they devoted energy to encouraging future generations to defend theses freedoms. In defense of gun ownership, Alexander Hamilton said, “If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens.” During our country’s development hundreds of law-abiding citizens were able to take up arms against lawless mobs to defend themselves, their family, their homes, and their businesses. They did the job law enforcement simply could not do. Lives were saved. Robberies were prevented. Homes and businesses were defended and left intact, all thanks to the Second Amendment to our constitutional, the right to keep and bear arms.
The right to bear arms has been an important conversation in America for decades. As of recent tragedies such as the Sandy Hook shooting and the Aurora Colorado Theater shooting, the debate is more heated than ever. From large-scale massacres to single fatality shootings, gun violence is unwarranted and heartbreaking. However, the Second Amendment protects individual citizens’ right to own firearms: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” it states (Bill of Rights). Although this part of the Bill of Rights has not been changed in United States’ history, some citizens argue that, because the Constitution is a working document, this should be adapted to fit current needs and protect communities. Citizens who wish tip the scale in favor of the community’s protection argue that guns are dangerous, easy to access, popular weapons that allow disgruntled or mentally unstable citizens to “inflict mass causalities” and were originally only intended for use in a militia (Joe Messerli). On the other hand, those who wish to benefit civilians argue that taking away guns restrains individual liberty and that gun control would prove futile because criminals would find ways such as the black market to obtain guns, weapons can serve as self-defense prevent crimes, and reasonable restrictions would be more effective than an outright ban (Joe Messerli). Both arguments have valid, well developed ideas, and both sides tend to be passionate in debate.
Alpers, Philip and Marcus Wilson. 2013. Guns in the United States: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law. Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. GunPolicy.org, 14 March.10 April 2013.http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states
The Crux,. 'If You Believe In "Gun Control," This Is Probably Not For You... '. N.p., 2014. Web. 30 Oct.